There is Bitching and then there is bringing up a point that should continue to be brought up, especially if it is such a broken feature as Fast Relog. I never ONCE had a problem with 3 min reload time, even when it said it was supposed to be 10, why because I had my character and I did the stuff I needed with it, I didn't need 15 other alts to do my job, hell even going to the mine didn't bother me when I actually took my 3 character's and waited a total of 9 minutes filling up their gathering timer. I miss the days where alting was something the dev's were working to reduce, man did the apes bitch but it was a glorious time, but I guess it's ok now the apes can FR all day long f'n over any real player of the game, the trolls don't even have to wait a full min to get replicated anymore (BTW thanks for taking away the ability to tell the noob that just burst you while you were bluesuit gathering or whatnot what you think of them guess the pk's got their feelers hurt)*sarcasm!*. It is funny how if it effects something the apes use they will cry soo hard, but if it effects the pve/regular players, and someone mentions it, the apes just howl from their trees about how people are crying over something.
Hell I'm to the point where I think it would be funny just to wipe the server and require 3-4 charisma just to make a character leave wherever they spawn, just to watch the apes flip out. But as great and balancing as that might be, it's not really fair. This changelog was the first in awhile to address things actually wrong in game, and even though now locker doors don't auto-close in bases (could be everywhere I dunno) it was well done. I just hope the dev's keep working on things.
P.S. Raise the encounter rate of the spiffy cars lol I actually played more in the last month than the last 6 and haven't got one.