I see. I will modify it and repost.
Okay, before I repost with a final build, I would like some advices. I'm completely taking LK out, so that gives me 6 points, which will go:
2 to CH
2 to agi
2 to

Suggest me where to put these points on. I don't see any point on taking out IN at this time because it will make me craft better, but is there really any crafting that will
require those 10 points? If there aren't, I could take some off and put where suggested (probably agility).
Also, with the takedown of LK, I don't know where to put my traits. Finesse won't be needed, Small Frame is not wanted (it will make me carry much less weight and I don't wanna be any cow or courier dependable, since they could be easily killed, and taking care of myself is hard enough), and every other single trait seems... Useless.
Skilled is completely out of question because I will be taking lifegiver.
Also, for my tags: Small Guns is a need. Or else I would be useless for any kind of fight.
Science for crafting, I guess I will need to tag this. Tell me if there is anyway I could craft everything in the game without this tagged, and without wasting too much points uselessly.
Outdoorsman if I want any survival. I heard there are ways of improving it without having to be through points (so I wouldn't need to tag it), if there is a way to do this to a decent enough level, tell me, please.
Thanks for the infos so far.