It's a known issue, you won't solve or achieve anything by writing this, your frustration and effort to acknowledge this problem is obsolete.
Yes winning the fight no longer is winning any loot, it is an obsolete concept and why this is only a 150 player game with more people dropping even though it has a big brand name title "fallout" behind it.This game has potential many mods for a brand title games have become full blown production, but this game has potential and its just stupid what players do. But whatever what does anybody care nor would they fix it or have the know how to make this "player token" as suggested. Don't know why I would expect a group of amature video game programers to make a completely complex anti-cheat security 1 client for 1 computer identifer software is probably beyond them.
Another guy acting like the dev's actually "OWE" him. They don't get payed nothing for this game and most of us don't pay a cent. The reason they removed the fast relog timer was because of numerous glitches and issues. Many people bypassed it anyway. Also whats stopping YOU from doing what the loser's are doing? Just start relogging and grabbing up gear bud.
just do what others did long time ago - delete it,its never gonna change. Worse and worse people are becoming mods and devs and they implement worse and worse changes, quit dude,its not worth itkilly the good angel
I think one character tied to one account would be a worthy option to try.
I could tell you how to bypass this right away, VM ware or any virtualization program. When I was playing multi theft auto with some of the former chosen soldiers, they have this type of security where its nearly impossible to bypass a ban because it has a serial generated based on your NIC's indentifier. 2 ways to bypass it would be to spoof your mac address or install VMware which creates a virtual identifier and it makes the connection think its authentic. But really how many of these guys would know how to use VMware or to find some kiddy script that changes your NIC's mac address? But there would be some who could and would figure this out becuase they can't play any other way they just have to have that advantage overs to win at a 100 player game.Its a fantasy at this point and would be better if they just put a 30s-1 minute relog timer and baby sit on GM accounts for those who don't wish to comply with the rules. And remove ability to connect on HTTP/SOCKS proxy protocol. I mean its more practical to just put a relog timer and baby sit, then trying to think up of some anti-cheat unique identifier shenanigan that would block any possibility to bypass the timer or to block connecting on a sandboxy window or on a virtual box. They can barely handle programing brahmin shit what makes you think they could program something like this?
Am not going to argue because I don't really care but I use vmwar, virtual pc, and whatever the one from oracle is. You have an image you can clone but the windows install has a unique identifier tied to the installation as one approach, other tell tale signs are multiple instances from the same net address. Other things you could check are hd serials, cpu serials etc,. The ability for ameteaur programmers to implement these solutions is rather well....... yeah..... Oh well.
I won't deny the effects fast relogs have in pvp. But if we didn't have fastrelogs, the first team inside would be in big disadvantage because the enemy can scout and troll them freely while keeping its troops on worldmap. When there's a gap in defenses, the worldmap team spawns. Maps have multiple entrances and many directions where the enemy might come and it's impossible to spare sneaks everywhere, unless with dual log.