I am really not sure how hard or easy this would be to implement, but it would improve gameplay drastically.
Have a different set of skill points for combat skills, and for crafting / trade skill skills ( repair, speech, barter, etc )
That way you don't have to create an alt to craft items, buy things, etc ( no other mmo on the planet worth its salt would make you choose between a fucked up character, or the ability to craft items etc )
any decent game would give you the option to do both, and not sacrifice your combat skills for the sake of being able to talk to NPC's

craft items etc.
So for example on level up for every skill point you get to use for combat ( melee, small guns, bgi guns etc) you would get another skill point to use for crafting/trade skill/social skill, (repair, speach, barter etc)
This would
1: Make you feel more fulfilled as a character, your character is more independent,
2: Add greater customization.
3: Add to the RPG element, the big gunner who could craft his own big guns etc, and it brings balance.
4: Eliminates having to switch alts to craft items, talk to NPC's etc.
5: Make sense, and improve fonline as we know it.
Time to bring fonline to a new era ^_^