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Author Topic: Craft skills / trade skills / non combat skills  (Read 1305 times)

Craft skills / trade skills / non combat skills
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:32:15 am »

I am really not sure how hard or easy this would be to implement, but it would improve gameplay drastically.

Have a different set of skill points for combat skills, and for crafting / trade skill skills ( repair, speech, barter, etc )
That way you don't have to create an alt to craft items, buy things, etc ( no other mmo on the planet worth its salt would make you choose between a fucked up character, or the ability to craft items etc )
any decent game would give you the option to do both, and not sacrifice your combat skills for the sake of being able to talk to NPC's :P craft items etc.

So for example on level up for every skill point you get to use for combat ( melee, small guns, bgi guns etc) you would get another skill point to use for crafting/trade skill/social skill, (repair, speach, barter etc)

This would
1: Make you feel more fulfilled as a character, your character is more independent,
2: Add greater customization.
3: Add to the RPG element, the big gunner who could craft his own big guns etc, and it brings balance.
4: Eliminates having to switch alts to craft items, talk to NPC's etc.
5: Make sense, and improve fonline as we know it.

Time to bring fonline to a new era ^_^
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 12:42:37 am by foonlinecurious »
Re: Craft skills / trade skills / non combat skills
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 01:48:51 am »

This sort of makes sense, in that even the most combat-oriented character should have some minimum of non-combat skills (and vice versa). I don't think the skill points should necessarily be 1 to 1--for combat to non-combat skills--but something like a max 75%/25% or an 80%/20% ratio would be nice.

Also combat players should be able to choose their poison, whether it be a non-combat repair skill, having a CH of 3, having a minimum ST, etc. Not something that would kill the playability of the build, just minor requirements that would prevent the one-armed hunchbacked blind sniper who does 30% crits (GURPS system at its finest) ;D


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Re: Craft skills / trade skills / non combat skills
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 02:26:59 am »

I support this...
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