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Author Topic: What if ...  (Read 10230 times)

Re: What if ...
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2012, 04:15:52 pm »

And what about new players joining halfway a session to be confronted with all the dedicated longtime players have more points in special and skills?

There would be pretty much the same difference there is now.Of course some sort of cap should be somewhat necessary,although i would agree that an old character must be at least a little better than an ape trained in a couple of days.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: What if ...
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2012, 04:45:31 pm »

He is talking about his own utopia.

Most of what is presented in those thoughts are some miss-matched, randomly dished out ideas that wouldn't be rational to apply in practice and wouldn't achieve any goal for the greater good. Very easy to elaborate on this.

So ya. Idea on how this could work.

All Special can be boosted 2 points. A straight 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 build can be made to 7-7-7-7-7-7-7. Each first point requires a quest that takes an actual month to finish. Not in doing the quest, just a wait period. Doing the quest takes 30-60 minutes, wait a month to get Special boosted from the quest. Second point of Special will take 2 months. Only one Special can be boosted at a time. Will take all season to get every possible boost to Special.

It'll take all session to grind, I surely don't have to explain how that is bad. Not to mention the fact of eliminating any role-playing game elements this game still retains despite everything being closely connected to alts. We'd have a picture of old drugs, players running around with close to max special points allowing a smaller window of opportunity on how to differ from other players. Just re-name the game to FPS-Online 2238, while at it.
The 3th special point will take a half year to achieve and might as well allow a fourth tag skill by wasting your whole life!

Skill points can be indefinitely boosted to 300 through books, advanced books, magazines and "teacher" quests. Enough study and proper skill should allow people to do it all. Skill points will work exactly like they do now, but books obtained will be able to boost skill points. Special and INT determines how many skill points are added depending on book. 7 ST will boost big guns and unarmed/melee points more. 9 CH will boost barter and speech more. INT overall determines how many points are added. Advanced books are needed to boost a skill over 200 points. All books are obtained through footlockers or quests of various difficulty.

Everyone running around with 300 skills, why have the skills at all if everyone is equal? So just some guys have fun time grinding some books forever and once a player decides to start playing mid session, he is like comparable to nothing? Why not allow to make characters with full stats and spare the player the time of grinding all that shit?

Oh come there is no point to sink any deeper in this, all that is just preposterous, random stuff.

Someone can grind quests and sell books to other players.

Wow, more grind and items witch you have in your inventory can be traded, needs a serious thought on this one.

It is possible to max all skill points and nicely boost Special, but will take a player all season of hard work.

Nice, just purely gold man, let's attach more stuff on how to mindlessly waste time. Game requires hard work to be good, the idea of the century.

PVP players can still level up a fighter in a day to a fighters level and then take quests on his off-time to gain crafting abilities or CH and INT to start slaving, doing more quests or whatever.

PVE/crafting players can still level up how they wish but can slowly work on their PVP skills until they are up to a fighters level.

Exactly, or whatever. Hey, look currently a player can make a fighter in one day and he doesn't have to do the extra shit you are proposing for him to do in order to be equal in his 'off-time' and he has more time to focus on other parts of the game witch are fun, instead of some pointless grind to achieve the ultimate perfection for any character.

A new drug to boost carry weight or: 1 buffout acts normal, 2 buffout doubles carryweight or until 196 max.

The useless booze-like items should boost carry weight a bit.

The only rational thought in that post I believe. Despite there are better ways than that how to allow players to take more stuff, that way discouraging looter alts, like allowing to carry more weight with overweight debuff and a non-combat perk like Pack rat or Strong back moved to support. I don't see how players will carry more drugs just for the sake of carry weight, it's a nice option, but as I mentioned above, there are better ways how to stimulate optimal carry weight for any character.

Slaving tattoos can be removed with laser surgery from a doctor. That VC guy seems to have the equipment.

The whole point of the slaver tattoo is that it's forever, once a slaver, always a slaver. Otherwise we would have situations were guy is going to the Vault City doctor for the 36th time to do a laser surgery on his head, because once again he decided not be a slaver. While at it let's make Metzeger blind so he doesn't notice your slaver tattoo missing, or allow plastic surgery, fucking up your face countless times to just some guy to not recognize you? Cool stuff, really.

This will make a PVP dedicated player able to do all other stuff as well as a PVE/Crafter to be able to someday PVP.

Someday, wasting time on the game and telling yourself that soon you will be able to be just like everyone else who got old by playing, there are some who already have rotten and decomposed by mother nature in order to be good and compete in the game.

Anyway, most of that will be useless as creating an 10INT skilled craft alt is much more easier than getting old or dying from bored what is attached to grind.

What is best about this idea is that a lvl21 player is not just stuck with the same abilities all season, someone can keep playing and keep boosting their skills.

Hey play the game maybe, there is level 24 cap now and like crafting professions already have close to no requirement as the only is very small amount of skill points that a well made character can easy obtain and still be somehow viable for something else. It's just the players before me on this topic already prove that.

And most important, PVPers will slowly become even tougher or more skilled in more weapons. PVP will be brutal by end of season if players took Special boosting quests and have a source of books to read.

The most importantly is not to trash this topic with garbage, because I am not willing to brain damage myself of reading something like that again.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 04:56:12 pm by T-888 »


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Re: What if ...
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2012, 06:37:40 pm »

I'm willing to try anything, so if I were presented with a wipe in which I could only have one alt, or limited to say four, I'd give it a shot and evaluate it then.

Like Malice said, I like the limitations on characters, and while I have a lot of alts, I've also spent a great deal of time playing with single characters. They certainly couldn't do it all, but they were able to do what was needed to support themselves only.

I think changes like not being limited to one crafting profession were great in this regard. Also, the support perks were a great idea in my opinion.

Instead of merging skills to save special points, possibly a small change in the way the skill usage is calculated in some scripts. I'll use repair as an example.

It makes no sense that my 251% Small Gun sniper cannot maintain his weapon without a completely seperate skill. If the SG skill was incorporated into the repair skill in some way when applied to weapons repaired in the small gun class only, it might alleviate the need for some (not all) players to have a dedicated repair alt for maintaining weapons.

So with 50% repair and 200% SG, if the SG was factored in maybe 25% (200/4 = 50%) that would give 100 repair when repairing small guns only, plus the tool skill boost added on top. Yet it wouldn't make any difference when attempting to repair Energy Weapons.

It would be possible to have other skills add modifiers in the same way as well. Lockpick and steal, etc.

Something similar might allow a character to still be good at the things in their "class", but still not able to do it all.

I don't believe a complete overhaul is needed though. Small changes like support perks went a long way without really affecting the base game.

Re: What if ...
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2012, 07:08:47 pm »

for the purposes of preventing fast relog in pvp TC
maybe it can just prevent fast log after you have been killed by a player in a TC event, and then do your check for token thing?
Is that hard to program?
Re: What if ...
« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2012, 07:11:11 pm »

It makes no sense that my 251% Small Gun sniper cannot maintain his weapon without a completely seperate skill. If the SG skill was incorporated into the repair skill in some way when applied to weapons repaired in the small gun class only, it might alleviate the need for some (not all) players to have a dedicated repair alt for maintaining weapons.

THIS is brilliant, how can you know that much about guns, and cant maintain your gun?

Another suggestion I had in another thread that will probably be overlooked by devs is
make your ''tradeskills'' different than your combat skills, so you don't compromise your small guns ability for the sake of pumping repair.
so small guns, big guns, melee, etc would be on combat skills
Repair, first aid, outdoorsman etc would be on your tradeskills.  this opens the way for more balance, and diverse characters.
So on levelup you get your combat skills points to spend, and tradeskill points to spend separately
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 07:15:40 pm by foonlinecurious »
Re: What if ...
« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2012, 08:41:50 pm »

for the purposes of preventing fast relog in pvp TC
maybe it can just prevent fast log after you have been killed by a player in a TC event, and then do your check for token thing?
Is that hard to program?

There would be no need for that, the token could be tied to combat timeout and player who initializes it would have a CD to re-log or just some sort of skill penalty and it would work everywhere, not just TC. So, that guy you killed in Reno or in Gecko mine couldn't come and apply pain on your ass instantly once he is dead with some alt.

If it would be simple, it would be implemented long ago, I refuse to believe that nobody else has thought about it, anyway it's not my idea. Just requires specific know-how, from what I heard.

It makes no sense that my 251% Small Gun sniper cannot maintain his weapon without a completely seperate skill. If the SG skill was incorporated into the repair skill in some way when applied to weapons repaired in the small gun class only, it might alleviate the need for some (not all) players to have a dedicated repair alt for maintaining weapons.

I have to say, very good idea.

Talking about Repair, Science, recently I had the idea how to decrease the need of those kind of one purpose alts, even more. I remembered that once a player can't doctor himself, he can either ask a player or use some sort of doctor services in towns and nobody is forced to alt. I thought hey, why not do the same thing for Repair and Science. Bring equipment to a trader who offers such luxury with a simple dialog of something like "I have equipment to disassemble/to repair, do you provide such service?", so you have some fancy option to chose a single item, target a certain group of items, or apply that to all items in inventory. Each % of item to repair could cost like 0.025% of base value for that particular item, most probably even less if you look at how most items look after combat or those farmed from encounters. Repairing as an alternative could also cost only raw material and the trader/service provider would ask very, very small fee. Disassembling items work in a similar fashion, the cost might as well depend on base value of the item or condition or both.

So, you could bring large portion of items and repair them at once, or disassemble, making the need of an special alt for that only secondary, alleviating the need so to speak.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 08:48:45 pm by T-888 »

Mike Crosser

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Re: What if ...
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2012, 08:45:22 pm »

Not a bad idea T-888.


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Re: What if ...
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2012, 09:31:53 pm »

A repair NPC that repairs your currently equipped armor or weapon for a fee would be a nice thing to have.
Re: What if ...
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2012, 02:12:41 am »

I know most of what I posted was a bad idea, but it jumpstarted thread with good ideas.

Another idea is for mine foremen to have a drug that can only be directly taken, cant buy and put into inventory. For a price someone can greatly boost CW, 100% addiction chance and addiction fades away in usual time. Drug would lower damage resistance and PE. Addiction and downsides are so PVP looters are more disadvantaged.
Re: What if ...
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2012, 01:18:52 pm »

The token limit combined with relog times wouldn't be bad either.  I know plenty of people who got along just fine with less than 5 characters in previous wipes, that was Crafting, Gathering, Repairing, and Combat.  Heck even if you want to limit it to 1 character there was a beautiful suggestion about bringing books back in for non-combat skills like repair and such, they wouldn't max you out, but getting to the 100% needed for most things wouldn't be hard on 1 character, if they put back in the Tag perk at level 12 even that would help.  This season is the worst when it comes to the need for multiple characters, and truthfully the other seasons did ok without having 12 alts.  I think it would seriously help clean up TC too, so that people could actually fight people, rather than just a swarm of alts and mercs.  (though there will always be mercs)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 12:13:28 pm by Trokanis »
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13

Alec Ramsey

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Re: What if ...
« Reply #40 on: December 25, 2012, 04:49:08 am »

He is talking about his own utopia.

Most of what is presented in those thoughts are some miss-matched, randomly dished out ideas that wouldn't be rational to apply in practice and wouldn't achieve any goal for the greater good. Very easy to elaborate on this.

It'll take all session to grind, I surely don't have to explain how that is bad. Not to mention the fact of eliminating any role-playing game elements this game still retains despite everything being closely connected to alts. We'd have a picture of old drugs, players running around with close to max special points allowing a smaller window of opportunity on how to differ from other players. Just re-name the game to FPS-Online 2238, while at it.
The 3th special point will take a half year to achieve and might as well allow a fourth tag skill by wasting your whole life!

Everyone running around with 300 skills, why have the skills at all if everyone is equal? So just some guys have fun time grinding some books forever and once a player decides to start playing mid session, he is like comparable to nothing? Why not allow to make characters with full stats and spare the player the time of grinding all that shit?

Oh come there is no point to sink any deeper in this, all that is just preposterous, random stuff.

Wow, more grind and items witch you have in your inventory can be traded, needs a serious thought on this one.

Nice, just purely gold man, let's attach more stuff on how to mindlessly waste time. Game requires hard work to be good, the idea of the century.

Exactly, or whatever. Hey, look currently a player can make a fighter in one day and he doesn't have to do the extra shit you are proposing for him to do in order to be equal in his 'off-time' and he has more time to focus on other parts of the game witch are fun, instead of some pointless grind to achieve the ultimate perfection for any character.

The only rational thought in that post I believe. Despite there are better ways than that how to allow players to take more stuff, that way discouraging looter alts, like allowing to carry more weight with overweight debuff and a non-combat perk like Pack rat or Strong back moved to support. I don't see how players will carry more drugs just for the sake of carry weight, it's a nice option, but as I mentioned above, there are better ways how to stimulate optimal carry weight for any character.

The whole point of the slaver tattoo is that it's forever, once a slaver, always a slaver. Otherwise we would have situations were guy is going to the Vault City doctor for the 36th time to do a laser surgery on his head, because once again he decided not be a slaver. While at it let's make Metzeger blind so he doesn't notice your slaver tattoo missing, or allow plastic surgery, fucking up your face countless times to just some guy to not recognize you? Cool stuff, really.

Someday, wasting time on the game and telling yourself that soon you will be able to be just like everyone else who got old by playing, there are some who already have rotten and decomposed by mother nature in order to be good and compete in the game.

Anyway, most of that will be useless as creating an 10INT skilled craft alt is much more easier than getting old or dying from bored what is attached to grind.

Hey play the game maybe, there is level 24 cap now and like crafting professions already have close to no requirement as the only is very small amount of skill points that a well made character can easy obtain and still be somehow viable for something else. It's just the players before me on this topic already prove that.

The most importantly is not to trash this topic with garbage, because I am not willing to brain damage myself of reading something like that again.

all of this.

read all of this before you post anymore.


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Re: What if ...
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2012, 04:55:43 am »

jebus, what is this dark sorcery and nerd talk about?
Back In-Game :D
Re: What if ...
« Reply #42 on: December 25, 2012, 07:51:18 pm »

jebus, what is this dark sorcery and nerd talk about?

T-888 asks "what if we could get girlfriends?"

Fonline RIP.


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Re: What if ...
« Reply #43 on: December 26, 2012, 05:01:41 pm »

all of this.

read all of this before you post anymore.
I can't!  I get halfway through it and my memory is overfilled and my comprehensive abilities have a buffer overrun.  It's an endless loop logical error!
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
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