FOnline Development > 3D Development

[TUTORIAL] Importing models for Items/Weapons into the game.

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Very good Graf. I made the radio a little bigger so that it looks more like this one. Not that big, of course.

(the second picture is using an animation from the bazooka set)

Also, this is why the painting was so important...

Wow, that's something new to me :) Does it actually changes clothes by clicking on the painting? If so, then why did you used the Elvis painting, not something else? Maybe I had missed something in a popular culture...

P.S. I'll post something else tomorrow.

It does. I wanted to add a button somewhere, but I had no idea on how to do that. So  I used an item instead. There are lot of useless items in Fallout, but that's the one that came to my mind. It's just for testing the clothing layers; I guess we could add cloth items in the future or something like that.
 The good thing about this is that it works with armors. I had no armor in the video, so it kept going back to the vault suit, but if you wear an armor, it switches from the armor clothing to the custom clothing (random in this case, not custom at all :) )

Hm I don't seem to be doing this at your speed guys but here is another item from me Oxygen tank.

--- Code: ---Value 417 Attach MI_OxygenTank.x Texture 0 ITEM_OxygenTank.png Link R_Handle_1  Scale 4 RotX 180 RotY 60
--- End code ---
Download link contains previous items too:
Also I took the liberty and converted most of the textures to png I think it would be better to have the textures in 1 format instead of 4.

I've experienced some problems today. I was trying to import such items as big ammo boxes, radscorpion tails and other stuff of that kind, but no success. It looks weird when it's carried in one hand. This is why we'll definetely need some extra animation sets for carrying two-handed items. Also, how to change the animation set for the items? I know how to do this for weapons only, but not for misc items.

Anyway, here's the stuff I have managed to import.

--- Code: --- Value 440 Attach MISC_biogel.x Texture 0 MISC_bio_med_gel.png Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.05
 Value 377 Attach MISC_electronic_parts.x Texture 0 MISC_electronic_parts.tga Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.3
 Value 278 Attach MISC_flint.x Texture 0 MISC_flint.png Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.15
 Value 366 Attach MISC_geck.x Texture 0 MISC_geck.png Link R_Handle_1 Scale 0.7
 Value 535 Attach MISC_gunpowder.x Texture 0 MISC_gunpowder.png Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.5
 Value 536 Attach MISC_gunpowder.x Texture 0 MISC_gunpowder_advanced.png Link R_Handle_1 Scale 1.5

--- End code ---

Download link


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