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Changelog 24/11/2012

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--- Quote from: Lexx on November 27, 2012, 06:49:36 pm ---Yup.
But that doesn't rule out a "flexible respawn time," which still would be possible to do. It is a lot more script-work, though, which in return means, it needs more time.

--- End quote ---

Fine. You could have done something more qualitative at first, don't see anybody being frustrated if the twenty second timer would have never existed, but instead something better would have came later. In the end we would never had this conversation and nobody on this forum would have argued, this all was discussed long time ago in a civilized manner.

There is a saying, you can have it right now, or you can have it right.

Black Widow:
try to make some changes even smallest and u will see flame war. better just info with out option to spam.

Cyber Jesus:
Is this the last update before wipe?


Games GOOD!

-no cool down for mine A+
......1,000,000 awsome.

-less CD for respawn A+ 1000, 0000... Badass greatness like theoretical JC.
great game.


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