a tla je starší, 2238 je nová nepodařená verze
Mozno trepnem, ale takto to je podla mna:TLAcko bol prvy hratelny server, na ktorom hrali developeri 2238, tzv. Rotators, ktori potom v Auguste 2009 spustili svoju verziu FOnlinenu. TLAmk2 je len pracovny nazov, z dovodu velkych zmien oproti TLA, ale team aj projekt je ten isty.
The third Closed Beta-Test was the period between OBT 2 (Late 2008) and OBT 3 (Starting on August 15, 2009). During this private session, one had to ask cvet (developer of FOnline engine and of FOnline: The Life After) to be granted to play the game and see the game forums (located on www.fonline.ru at this time). Note that even if it was the third closed test of the FOnline engine, it was the first closed beta test of FOnline: 2238.
During OBT 2, three servers were available for players, all of the three had the same content, commonly known as vanilla FOnline, which would later become FOnline: The Life After. At the end of the beta test (December 2008), the Rotators was formed and they began creating their own mod with cvet's help, called factions mod. Among the players that decided to join the CBT when OBT 2 ended, most of the Russian testers went on the mostly Russian server vanilla, and most of the English-speaking testers went on to test factions mod - which would later become FOnline: 2238.
Neviem ci sa to volalo prave TLA, ale je ocividne, ze existoval nejaky server este pred 2238, v ktorom ma TLA korene.
Nerozumiem, co tu pleties defaultne SDKcko.
2238 sem měl rád jenže, když to člověk porovná s tím co je teď na tla, to by museli na 2238 moc zapracovat a nedohnali by to nehledě na to, že ani nechtějí. A bojovat na serveru crafterů na stanech to není nic pro mě.
Nové Město? Proč ne Gecko projekt založený na WWP?
je mi fuk i kdyby tam bylo 5milionu ludi,na stary 2238 to proste nema...