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would you like a offline FOnline 2238 server?

i would like to host my own server for me and my freinds to play with.
- 4 (16.7%)
I agree, thay should make a FOnline server download.
- 6 (25%)
I disagree, thay shouldnt create a offline server
- 10 (41.7%)
i would use a offline server
- 4 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 23

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Author Topic: FOnline 2238 server for Lan  (Read 5480 times)

FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:25:06 pm »

i wanted to ask the community and the makers of this awesome mode "Fonline 2238" to take into consideration about making a downloadable server, of "fonline2238"

because alot of players would like to play this game but deilup internet does not allow it. im sure alot of people will still be playing on your servers but im asking this for people who can't play, i really want to play FOnline2238, but i cant. my internet is too slow

and some people just want to enter the world with just a few of there freinds and explore without the fear of people taking there stuff.

or the risk of people off the street killing them.

im sure its alot of work creating a userfreindly server for the people. but im sure it would help menny people. anyway i thoght i would put it on debate. im really sorry if this is the wrong place to put this tread

Thanks for looking, and please leave a vote.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 06:16:09 pm by jack555 »


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Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 05:48:16 pm »

no, its not harsh enogh
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?


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Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 07:15:38 pm »

What's the fun in that? What would be your motivation not to leave this game after one week of playing?
It just wouldn't be fun not see people shooting you and your brahmin after you mine hundreds of minerals and ore.
It wouldn't be fun to die once in a while in NCR because of suicide bombers.
It wouldn't be fun not to lose your caps or some nice items to thiefs.
It wouldn't be fun to always survive, never be betrayed.

You can play Fallout 1/2 for it, really.
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2012, 07:22:45 pm »

I'd actually play a SP version if we could use GM rights into it.

Mike Crosser

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Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2012, 07:45:30 pm »

FOnline in singleplayer just has very little value(sure there that thing that brujah mentioned).
The whole concept is based on multiplayer.
What I mean to say is that the core of FOnline is in the people that play it.
So no,no singleplayer.
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2012, 07:58:32 pm »

i agree with what you are all saying. But me and alot of my freinds want to play 5 players, but we just dont have the internet conncection to do so... and im sure there is alot of people who feel the same way.

i know it would be alot better to just play online. but what can i do
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2012, 08:20:10 pm »

Can't you just use the FOnline SDK for that?
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2012, 09:56:05 pm »

Can't you just use the FOnline SDK for that?

we did play FOnline SDK. but sadly it was russain and traveling around the map was so slow. we still had fun for a month or so. but it got boring when we saw what people could do in "FOnline2238" so i looked all over the internet for a server for FOnline 2238 sadly i found nothing.
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2012, 02:33:37 am »

Hello community

I may be new on this forum but the only reason i joined this forum is to support this thread.

Me and my brothers live on the outskirts of town where highspeed internet is not available so playing

FOnline on the internet is just out of the question and I am really looking forward to a LAN alternative.

Can't you just use the FOnline SDK for that?

Well me and my brothers have played that version of Fonline for a long time but I do not speak Russian,

One of my brothers knows a little Russian and tried to help us decode some missions to spice up the game

but it was too much work for such a buggy version of the game, so that still leaves me eager for a lan

alternative of FOnline 2238.

What's the fun in that?

Working together to Explore the map, crafting, taking on missions cooperatively, combating

and surviving encounters and much more.

i had lots of fun playing the SDK version of the game, we went on for a month creating stuff gathering money

developing our skills, i also worked on my doctor skills so i can tend to crippled wound of my allies.

We even watched caravans getting killed by monsters so we can loot them then we argued

about how we were going to split the merchandises.

but 2238 is so many new features my crew can't wait for it's offline lan server release.

FOnline in singleplayer just has very little value

Mabe your right but i would at least leave the option available for those people who want to judge that for themselves.

I myself would be playing a 8 player game with my brothers and friends on lan.

_ _ _ _

I also noticed that there is an option on the poll for people who think building an offline lan system is

a bad idea and I am very disappointed that anyone would think of denying people like me a chance to play privately

with my friends or brothers at home because they think it would be a wast of time.


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Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2012, 11:06:45 am »

This is unlikely to happen because it would mean open sourcing FOnline:2238
and not every person who contributed crucial parts of it would agree.

What I can suggest you is to start open source project based on SDK, something
like "FOnline: coop" designed from ground up for play with small number of people
in more cooperative/roleplay manner. And try to get more people involved. This is
however a lot of work, pretty much making a whole new game not just tweaking
some numbers in SDK.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 11:20:19 am by JovankaB »


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Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2012, 01:33:24 pm »

By the way, is there any (working) coop mod for F1/F2/FO ?
Would be fun to have a playthrough with friends.

I've spend weeks on coop-BaldursGate1 in LAN with one of my friends and as we both loved Fallout and Baldurs Gate back in the days but could only play one of those games together :(
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2012, 03:55:20 pm »

I don't understand, whats the problem with it being "open source" .

it's not like people are going to ruin your game or your servers, I'm asking This for people like me who can't play on your servers... Even if people edit your servers and host there own, it will never be as good as yours.

People will always return to your servers because there is hundreds of players on and I'm sure there always will be... 
I've been waiting for an offline sever for FOnline:2238 for a year or so... I'm sure alot of people have done the same.

SDK is Russian, getting into vaultCity is crazy or trying to get jobs in there is crazy, the Russaian lang doesn't make it posable, and I don't want hundreds of players in my server I just want to play with my friends. I'm no hacker. I doubt I ever will be, ...believe me if I could I would play on your server....I've tried SDK for a while I enjoyed it but what the makers of Fonline2238 created is far beyond SDK. Me and my friends was really hoping to try it this year..

I'm not trying to push you into doing something you dont want to do, but I thought I would state a few facts.

Ok let's say people grab your open source server,.here's what Thay could do with it
-Thay could grab it tweak it, and make something that doesn't even come close to how yours will be like when you update it...(making the developers version the best).

-people would only play on the servers that have the most players,and they would lose all there stuff if they  joined another server. 

-and I doubt people would stop donating to your site if you gave the server away

-and there is no reson why someone else would start up a new server if the develeopers gave there's away because theres is already perfect!

...the list go's on but I'm not going to bombard this tread with it.
I'm asking this strictly for offline LAN resons. Fallout 1 & 2 is one of the best games ever built I would hate not being able expearnce it with my friends. And FOnline 2238 seems to be the only way to do so. 

I hope the develeopers will reconsider making  an offline LAN server.
If the develeopers dont release it this year then I hope Thay will next year or the next year after that.

I would like to hear the resons why the develeopers dont want it open source. If thay are willing to say.

If thay really don't want to "share" it I can respect that But I urge the developers to reconsider :)
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2012, 06:01:21 pm »

The newest FOnline SDK doesn't have translated dialogs? I remember even TLA had half translated dialogs and there was a team working on it.
Btw, you have all the tools necessary in the SDK to make your own dialogs in English. You can make your own fun quests for just your LAN team
Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2012, 08:55:52 pm »

The newest FOnline SDK doesn't have translated dialogs? I remember even TLA had half translated dialogs and there was a team working on it.
Btw, you have all the tools necessary in the SDK to make your own dialogs in English. You can make your own fun quests for just your LAN team

i dont know how to use SDK. i dont want to create quests i want to play the ones that the devleopters spent years creating and refining, it would be cool if there was an english Fonline that i could play lan, so far all i know of is 2238. too bad thay dont want to give away there server.

Fonline would be alot cooler if i could get a car in it. i spend hours traviling place to place on "fonline TLA".
i cant wait untel thay release the 2238 server, If thay do.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 11:02:34 pm by jack555 »

ronon dex

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Re: FOnline 2238 server for Lan
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2012, 12:21:14 am »

fo2239 offline is a good idea, but there are people who would be abused. if formed copyrights to function and just to complete the game, it would be nice. A lot of people would use force GM to try new char. build for certain weapons. also new people could learn to master crafting etc. are new in fo2238 is difficult, so many people have ended, the game is too hard and there is always someone kills, whether players or NPCs. therefore vote for fo2238 offline.
Sorry, my english is bad.
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