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Brotherhood of Steel (my Karma became negative)

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Hello, I didn't knew if I better had to post in bug reports topic or somewhere else so I did it here.

Before the last Server down Tuesday 6 November, my Brother Of Steel karma was good.
I've just finished the mission with Bunker near Necropolis and was on my way to do the report in S-F.

When I logged in again today and went in San Francisco the BoS guard killed me. When I watched my BoS karma it was -1786.
At the same time I started the mission "The Wasteland Band" in The Hub, can it be the reason ?

(I apologize if there is mistakes, English is not my native language).

Actually it's like if I were not a member of BoS faction any-more because all my karma changed on each towns and factions.

café saké:

Si tu t'es désinscris sur le terminal, tout cela est normal. En tout cas, tout cela ressemble fortement a une désinscription.

urm.....I think he is asking about BoS, and not other people's languages.

Only way I can think of you getting shot is by you left BoS while you were in SF :/

Yes, I was asking about BoS indeed...
I didn't leave the BoS or at least not on my own. I know that, to do this you have to use the Bos's computer at San Francisco, I didn't do this.
I haven't attacked BoS patrol or something like that either.

(Oui je suis français café saké.
Non je n'ai pas quitté la confrérie de l'acier du moins pas volontairement.
J'ai regardé sur le wiki de Fonline, pour quitter la confrérie il faut se désinscrire sur le terminal de San Francisco chose que je n'ai pas fais).


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