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Author Topic: Caravan Guard duty event.  (Read 32708 times)

Caravan Guard duty event.
« on: October 24, 2012, 08:46:01 am »

What is it?

  2 caravan drivers and 6 guards going on a long and enduring trip to see who will survive at the end, they have nothing but the supplies they brought along and the loot from the critters they met on the way while trying to protect the drivers so the caravan can make it to San Francisco.

How can I join?

Join via IRC channel #RapeCaravan, App system no longer used, be at the channel and wait for info wether there is a caravan or not.


You may also join as a driver, keep in mind you will not be paid or see as much action as the guards, you will simply coordinate the guards as a "Second Leader" of sorts when the main driver is dead or away gathering fuel or spare parts, remember that drivers must avoid fighting unless it's necessary.

Charisma 8 is a must for drivers.

This is no Mad Max wannabe stuff, bring a character that actually stands a chance!

How the trip works:


We all meet at the Klamath mine and start the trip, the driver will ALWAYS enter an encounter in real time, doesn't matter if it's forced or not, the guards will have to deal with whatever is inside that encounter as they see fit, no encounters during the trip will be skipped, the driver will stop in the encounter even if it just has giant rats.


Let's say you are neutral with vault city and unity, and for that reason you think all will be cool until you reach NCR, you'll probably be wrong since there will be 8 people in the group, one of them probably has low rep with those groups and any other group the caravan will meet, expect lots of PVE combat.

Players might also enter the encounter, it's the guards' choice to deal with the situation as they see fit but there is a penalty for killing someone whom one of the drivers considered innocent (see reward penalties).

We might also enter certain towns and important places to refuel the caravan, the driver will not give a penalty to a guard who killed a player for getting too close to the brahmin cart or one of the caravan's crew (think of yourself as the NPC for once).

Caravan drivers will NOT fight unless something attacks them, they will watch as the guards deal with whatever threatens the caravan.

TL;DR: Deal with other players peacefully only if possible and expect no mercy in PVE.

Equipment and loot:

You start with the equipment you brought along for the trip, if you run out of ammo you will just have to wait until another guard puts ammo and a gun you can use in the cart or one of your colleages be generous enough to spare something of his to you.

The trunk of the cart is lockpicked, wich means the guards will be able to access it whenever they need to store something they think it might be useful during the trip, anything into the brahmin cart is available to any guard, if you want to keep something for yourself then keep it into your inventory... DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT LOOT.

Even though it delays the caravan and puts it into potential danger the drivers will wait for as long as it is needed as the guards store loot into the cart for future encounters, you will need all the loot you can get to make it to SF.

Cart and water bags:

One of the drivers will always carry the keys, if he dies you will have to bring his keys to the surviving driver.

While the drivers will carry lots of water bags, it is very likely that they will need to stop somewhere to refill them, it is the guards' job to protect the driver that splits from the group to refill the bags AND the caravan cart from any players who get too close.

If the cart runs out of fuel nearby an unguarded town or location with an water pipe it will stop there, otherwise the cart will have to be parked in the desert and 1-2 guards will have to accompany the driver with the bags to the nearest town (no-skip encounter rule still counts for this, if the driver dies the guards will have to decide wether to go by themselves to refill the bags or go back it's up to them.

Keep in mind, drivers will only run from a town before refuelling if they suspect that there is town control about to happen into it, as a mere caravan cannot handle an entire armed gang, so if that happens hop in the cart as quick as possible or the drivers will have to leave you behind, any other case you will have to kill or convince anyone who passes by to stay away from the cart and the crew.


"Captain" is just the name of the guard whom the drivers believe it to have the best chances of surviving the trip (either by his build or performance in fights), some responsabilities of the driver will be passed to him if one of the drivers die (see communication).

This rank can be passed to another guard even if the former Captain is still alive or in the crew.

The captain will also receive a bonus on his payment at the end of the trip (see rewards).


Drivers have a radio in case the crew splits and that's it, please don't cheat and use IRC or any other form of chatting during the trip, a radio will be given to the Captain in case one of the drivers die.

If you get left behind while getting back up into the cart pray that a driver or the Captain was left behind as well, or else you will go back walking.  ::)


5000 caps to each guard at the end of the trip, guard with best perfomance receives a bonus of 2500 caps on his payment.

There are however, penalties for the payment of each guard:

Killing innocent player who didn't try to attack the cart or wasn't a known threat: -500 caps.

Killing a guard: -1000 caps.

Killing the captain: -2000 caps.

Killing a driver: -3000 caps.

So watch where you burst or pew pew if you care more about the money than the fun, the drivers will not cut your pay if they don't see a reason to do so.


This isn't a RP event, the objective is to go from one edge of the world and another and survive with only what you and the team had at the beginning and aquired during the journey, however you can do whatever you want to entertain us during the trip including RPing, it's a long trip anyway.


The trip will be over and considered a failure if...

-The cart is lost.
-All guards die or go missing with no way of coming back.
-Both drivers die (in this case the guards are free to do whatever they want at this point, either split the loot in the cart and go about their business or go loco and kill each other for the cart).
-I forget the water bags.


These tips are for you, who I assume isn't thinking about trolling the trip:

-Protect the drivers, they will probably be much weaker than the guards.
-Bring as much gear as possible, especially things you won't find during the trip in random encounters (remember that you might have to deal with things such as crippling and radiation, be prepared for any possible situation, ammo and meds are never enough).
-Kill critters who seem to go after the drivers, remember that they only fight if provoked, killing stuff is your problem.
-Bond and be friendly with your colleages, you don't wanna defend two weak drivers by yourself.
-Have fun and don't care about loot or money, it's a bonus for those who focus on staying alive.


#thelastlight channel on IRC mostly, you can also find me on #2238 and #crazy88, and of course our newest channel: #RapeCaravan.

How to join:

Go to IRC channel #RapeCaravan and see if there are any caravans available.

Please Read - A personal appeal from RapeCaravan Inc. Founder Brujah Wales:

Donate me as many water bags as you can, brahmin need lots of water and crafting bazillions of those by myself is tiresome.

Thank you.

Route taken:

No shortcuts.  :D

And remember the most important rule:

« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 03:47:03 am by Brujah »


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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 11:37:27 am »

Sounds interesting! :)


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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2012, 11:47:30 am »


Name of character: Show.BG
Character build: BG Tank
Why I want to join: Well this look like serious event and i want be part and make what i can for protect the caravan.
Im proud for my Country but shame on Salamander. If there will be NooB award he will have it.


  • Fear
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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2012, 06:41:33 pm »

Welp. Might be interesting.

Name of character: Fear
Character build: Professional slacker.
Why I want to join: Not sure. Maybe the desire to kill everything that moves or watch as anything that moves ripping the guts off others.
Innocence proves nothing


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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 07:25:20 pm »

Name of character:greenthumbBG/greenthumbDP/greenthumbSL
Character build:BG crit burster using avenger/gatling tank/SG Slaver-leader-driver
Why I want to join:I want to join this journey becouse route is not including Glow and navarro where iam spending most of my time in game. So want to change my habits a bit.

how much will i get if i burst brujah? si there any bonus? :P

PS: i can go there only on weekends , possibly mondays
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 09:01:55 pm by greenthumb »
Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2012, 12:04:10 am »

Name: Name
Build: Unarmed / Doc / Crit
Motivation: I love a good collective effort, I like caps and I want to test my character.

And lol at: "I forget the water bags". You'd better not, or the brahmin will be drinking deathclaw blood instead of water ;-)


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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 01:27:23 am »

You know me. I like to lead, be a medic, and shoot stuff sometimes. So if you need another driver who pew pews too I'm up for it. Plus my moral compass is uncompromising. :]

It looks fun anyways so hey, if I'm around I'll do that for sure, I always wanted a good survival event. Woo.



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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2012, 01:27:56 am »

Name: STALKER117
Build: SG fast shot/ high FA
Motivation: I'm in a crisis and need money because mitt romney gonna become president

im just bored and want to be in it :P
Back In-Game :D

café saké

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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2012, 02:28:08 am »

SG Sniper
I m bored to whip my slaves, also i need money for buy boozes. Hmmm can i slave other adventurer if they have sex appeal perk?
*clap his rope*
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 02:31:45 am by café saké »
Holy Rotgut bless you.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2012, 08:58:43 pm »

Quick question:
Is this a one time thing or something that might be repeated in the future?
Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2012, 12:30:42 am »

Quick question:
Is this a one time thing or something that might be repeated in the future?

I intend to do every so often yeah.

But first I need to see how the first one will go, can't hold expectations on something I haven't tried yet.

Cyber Jesus

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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2012, 08:56:09 am »

But first I need to see how the first one will go...
I can tell you, with Cari,sHoW,and Stalker you won't reach Den and you will all get raped by NPCs because they will bring their 100hp shit characters with leather jackets,assault rifles and weak healing powders.


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Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2012, 09:18:37 am »

I can tell you, with Cari,sHoW,and Stalker you won't reach Den and you will all get raped by NPCs because they will bring their 100hp shit characters with leather jackets,assault rifles and weak healing powders.

Are you kidding me?
Well i think yoi never see our alts and if you saw they you must be rly stupid if you say that.
Im proud for my Country but shame on Salamander. If there will be NooB award he will have it.
Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2012, 10:52:16 am »

Hello there!
i wanna participate to this

Name of character: Soldier mkII
Character build: BG drugged 2 burst
Why I want to join: because i wanna try it, and i think it will be awesome!

"i don't care about money and item!"
Enjoy with right people.
Re: Caravan Guard duty event.
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2012, 02:29:45 pm »

Looking interesting though in TB it would last longer and would give more time to chat during combat but never the last this is a good idea. Hope I will be able to participate.

Character: Jotis
Skills: small guns, unarmed, melee and throwing
Why: cause it sounds like fun
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 06:13:07 pm by Jotisz »
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