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fast relog

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--- Quote from: Fat Man on October 28, 2012, 01:16:42 pm ---Means somebody well use proxy address or remake the dual log/fast relog cheat program which modify fonline.exe and was able to open a new window with multiple .bat files. 

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In practice it wasn't that common the .bat method, only small player cells used this to actually provide multiple combat characters. If someone used it, then it wasn't something that plays a huge roll on some larger scale, whole factions weren't forced on the same level, like now.

Proxies aren't usable for this.

It's a bit difference when you have to fight a faction witch has 2 times more alts than you or fight the same team who has few members "cheating", providing some extra-alts through .bat files, sure, shame on them, but they aren't going to affect much and in general the common player out there will be able to participate in PvP activities with 1 character.

Yeah, well FR CD isn't perfect, but it is better than nothing.

--- Quote ---Look best option is to give everybody same advantage do not think ban hammering everybody who use fast relogs and dual logs solves anything.

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This is a common misconception, everyone doesn't have the same advantage, because there is no limit for it. The faction who has more alts has the advantage, your back on square one, generally players win if they have more alts, more equipment, more, it is much more than ever about numbers than it ever was.

--- Quote from: T-888 on August 28, 2012, 06:48:00 pm ---
It's when a larger faction of more players use more alts than a faction with less players, per player.

Swarm, swarming has taken a whole new level.

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--- Quote from: avv on October 28, 2012, 02:03:30 pm ---Hell if I know, but what's certain is that there will be people doing it. It's common knowledge that if there's something you can do to gain advantage over others, it will be used. If the players are tempted to cheat, it shouldn't be surprising that some will do it.

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Oh yeah sure, you was playing clean and you were annoyed that players cheat, but you have no idea who it was? :)

Please, tell me was it specifically of FR? Or was it those dual-log's + proxies etc. etc. because those 2 different things.


--- Quote from: T-888 on October 28, 2012, 02:22:55 pm ---Oh yeah sure, you was playing clean and you were annoyed that players cheat, but you have no idea who it was? :)

Please, tell me was it specifically of FR? Or was it those dual-log's + proxies etc. etc. because those 2 different things.
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You want names and addresses? Is it that hard to believe that players will cheat to win? If I start naming cheaters here chances are that someone who was innocent gets in the list and derails the whole thread with personal attacks and different versions of past events.
You can keep nitpicking about differences of proxy, multilog, fastrelog or whatever but it won't change the fact that players will be tempted to bypass relog timer if it's added.   

Fat Man:

--- Quote from: T-888 on October 28, 2012, 02:22:55 pm ---
Yeah, well FR CD isn't perfect, but it is better than nothing.

This is a common misconception, everyone doesn't have the same advantage, because there is no limit for it. The faction who has more alts has the advantage, your back on square one, generally players win if they have more alts, more equipment, more, it is much more than ever about numbers than it ever was.

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It is the new normal of the game, and it takes adjusting to if you are still stuck in last session mind set. Fast relog annoys alot of players in PvP but at this point just have to deal with it and accept that players well abuse this until they decide to change this there is no sense in beating a dead horse.

It is more than just fast relogging the alts, making a lot of alts require ammo, gear this has to be farmed, and to supply all the alts you have to craft or farm the gear. Then to taxi all these characters over a map takes alot of time. It actually takes alot more work than you would think for somebody who just plays this game on weekends or couple of hours after school or work.

At same time you have a way bigger cool down, crafting doesn't take hours to make 3 brotherhood armors but many players were upset when they nerfed crafting cool down, then very happy when they changed it back.

The computer savvy and sophisicated well figure out a way to bypass a cool down or a relog timer no doubt do not disagree that not that many people well be able to cheat, and this current system does give free reign and makes the fast relogging easy and abuseable.

Other fonline servers, the 3 russian servers, or well now 2 that tlamk2 mysteriously disapeared after its wipe that fast relog is normal on these games, but the average fight takes longer as people have more hp, where as in this game you can lose and die fairly quick.

Killer Rabbit:
Fr is stupid, people use it everywhere. Simple example..i crafted yesterday 200ap rockets in sierra and morgan sneaker killed me outside and try to loot. I had my 1bg log offed in sierra So i killed her. She off and she went on sniper, i killed her she off and she came back with sg tank and 1cripler friend...i killed Them and they offed and they went on 3rd chars :) people use fr even in crafting zones...

So uh, mathermatically speaking , you think it's no better or the same when in a team of, for example, 20 people everyone fast relogs like 4 waves, which means, uhm 20x4 = 80 alts swarm the fight successively, compared to a team of the same amount in which averagely 5 no-life-dwelling-in-mommy's-basement-must-win-in-fonline-cuz-complexes cheaters/kids manage to set up 1 to 2 proxies with some (rather a hell) of foregoing troubles, summing up to 20 + in succession 5 + 5 = 30. So there's no difference between A and B, neither in balance, nor in fairness. 80 = 30 (disregarding possible bans of cheaters). And the latter method encourages cheating, so it's clearly the inferior approach.

Now this really overloads my brain. Is too much for me, fuck logic and all.


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