At start was same numbers...
6.09.2012 bbs never recovered, now after numeros deafets they just went back to reno sewersanother team ragequited by TNB
Btw. TNB if you complain about current pvp and no enemies. Loose your alliance. With less numbers it would be easier to fight against you.
i see BBS Hawks allance to Kill TNB and it should be called "Peacekeepers autum edition"
It is easier to point a finger and tell you have more numbers, we won't fight you, rather than make some friends to equalize that. In the past it wasn't an issue ... somehow, now players make excuses of C4 and whatnot, they loose on fair fights and then blame the game. It's not we who complain, we are laughing our asses off and at the same time scratching our head of what is the real problem, our numbers or just that players don't want to put any effort to fight us. There are quite a few gangs that just simply doesn't have numbers to fight us, it is not we who should adapt, but you. Not to mention those who have the numbers, but instead they come and whine on the forum that the game isn't good enough for them.You know, whatever, we can do without TC some time if nobody comes to fight us, it is not like we are going to vanish in thin air because of that in a scenario where TC is working just fine or melt like sugar or something. Serious guy wishes good luck.