I think that such implants shouldn't include a SPECIAL boost - it would mess up a character build too much.
God of Thunder, all decent PvP character builds have 1-4 str, fyi =)
lol bullshit, with 1 str even with weapon handling you can't carry anything.
To your list of implants effects - maybe also someone will want to have carry weigth increase implant?
You can't have bonuses without affecting character planning.
armor class boost,HP increase,some useless skill increase,critical hits effectiveness,resistance for some particular type of damage,poison/radiation resistance,world map travel speed,range for throwing weapons,sight range,FOV range,drugs effect duration,sequence (it should be given some meaning in RT though),healing rate,melee damagechance of setting off traps (if ever implemented),AP cost of using items in inventory,chance to be crippled during the fight,