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Do you want implants?

Yes, I want implants that disapear after death.
Yes, but permanent implants
No, I dont want implants

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Author Topic: Buying implants  (Read 6646 times)

Re: Buying implants
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2010, 06:52:31 pm »

I think that such implants shouldn't include a SPECIAL boost - it would mess up a character build too much.

Hmmmm... I rather agree with that. But when this implants for special attributes will cost much money, it will be risky to make a char build depending on implants. I mention str and cha, cause as I think char cant take let say 3 str and fight only with implant, couse it is to limiting for such a char. After every death he will need spend much money, also there already are drugs, so why implants will break balance? And another thing - with implant number depending on EN if someone take str implant he will be have to resign from hp or dmg res implant.

To your list of implants effects - maybe also someone will want to have carry weigth increase implant?
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2010, 07:02:29 pm »

God of Thunder, all decent PvP character builds have 1-4 str, fyi =)
  Use your brain!
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2010, 09:46:54 pm »

God of Thunder, all decent PvP character builds have 1-4 str, fyi =)
lol bullshit, with 1 str even with weapon handling you can't carry anything.
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2010, 10:34:21 pm »

lol bullshit, with 1 str even with weapon handling you can't carry anything.

I think he meant jet users :P.

To your list of implants effects - maybe also someone will want to have carry weigth increase implant?

Well, I also thought about it, but then most people would probably reduce their base STR to 2, take weapon handling and buy a carry weight boost - it's a great example of what I wanted to avoid creating this list: make purchasable adjustments not interfere with a character planning. At least I think they shouldn't and in the previous post I explained why  :P.
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2010, 10:47:37 pm »

Maybe you're right, I see you better know PvP builds secrets.
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2010, 02:43:53 am »

You can't have bonuses without affecting character planning.
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2010, 11:03:37 pm »

You can't have bonuses without affecting character planning.
armor class boost,
HP increase,
some useless skill increase,
critical hits effectiveness,
resistance for some particular type of damage,
poison/radiation resistance,
world map travel speed,
range for throwing weapons,
sight range,
FOV range,
drugs effect duration,
sequence (it should be given some meaning in RT though),
healing rate,
melee damage
chance of setting off traps (if ever implemented),
AP cost of using items in inventory,
chance to be crippled during the fight,

Which of them would make you change your build if implemented  ;)?


  • [TSAR]Sol & [TSAR]Ketur
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Re: Buying implants
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2010, 12:02:19 am »

Well it looks like all of them would change build planning, since they all affect the build the same way a perk or a Stat point would.

Crit chance implant =more critical perk for example.

world map travel increase = pathfinder perk

AP cost of using items in inventory = whats the name of this perk allready...

sight range FOV range = PER points or sharpshooter perk

so implants would have to have other effects. Like implant radio in the head or awareness maybe or something :)

So i agree with Roachor.

You can't have bonuses without affecting character planning.
Re: Buying implants
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2010, 12:24:25 am »

When some implant will have similar effect to any perk, it doesnt mean people will take implant instead of perk. You think, that if there will be avaible implant that increases hp for 40 then nobody will take lifegiver? It's nonsens. Sniper would take 3xmore crit, finesse and +3% crit hit implant also, couse why not? It would be avaible for everyone, so you cant take implant INSTEAD of perk, but you can take just implant, just perk, or implant and perk both. If there will be perk that gives +3 dmg threshold you would wear metal armor mk I instead of mk II? No, couse every PvP player could have such an implant.

However, implants increasing attributes, could really change build planning, so they rather shouldn't be avaible.
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem


  • [TSAR]Sol & [TSAR]Ketur
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Re: Buying implants
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2010, 01:13:43 pm »

You are right.
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