I donated lot before, with the actual situation , i am sorry but i will no paid for an empty server, silent and deaf devs !
What to do for players ? i think you know, all old players make their own suggestions, look at the ones coming more (lvl cap/better stuff/feature for economy/rp/pver)
lvl caps try 32 ? Why increasing lvl cap will save 2238 ? Longer XPing, ability to make ur pvper a crafter or trader (so less alt), longer fight, so no frustation dying one shot and fast relog pshyco tank <= absolutely easy
Better stuff ? Add rare bp for BA and top weapons, i played for 4 year, i am so bored of avenger/RL/sniper (cause actualy those are the only weapon used) <= nothing hard just create new blueprints
Better TC ? Give more advantage of TC, +25% price to trader, +50% ressources gathering (for town with mine) + add some farmable (junk farmable like TLA using this smart cursor for example) to towns (maybe more player will stand in towns !) + -50% to craft cooldown. <= don't sounds hard to do ?
Apply same thing to small locations (mariposa/v15/junkyard/tobaco farm/golgotha/themepark/waterworks) <= copy/past TC system to those location sounds easy too.
And maybe more interaction between players traveling WM (just increase chance to get into player encounter)
Make quest ! Stupid and simple one, but enought to gives something to non pvp players (like craft/chop/gather/speak to/kill...) <= sound easy to copy/paste some sutpid quest in all towns
Good dungeon quest copy/paste glow and put muties in, or vault fulls of deathclaw/raiders/enclave and give hig rewards
Ok with that we have new feature, new builds challenge, new weapons to dicover, new quest to do and better interest to make TC !
All suggestion sounds easy to make (but i am not dev so ...)
You have one mouth

Something need to be done one 2238, busy dev ? Try to recrut new ones ? BUT MAKE SOMETHING !
Cause u know when u see 80 players, it mean 15 off, 20 dual log, 15 faping in ncr, 10 bluesuit dying from ants, 10 hiding in base cause they don t have 2x more to swarm and 10 looking for desesperaly for APA blueprint !
Save 2238 =>