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Wasteland 2 Camera demo from the Unity Unite 2012

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Orthographic camera progression has nothing to do with the graphics being 2/3d


--- Quote from: Surf on September 08, 2012, 10:23:52 pm ---Orthographic camera progression has nothing to do with the graphics being 2/3d
--- End quote ---

It kind of has because orthographic projection makes most sense if you cant rotate camera.
Which is usually caused by game being 2D faking 3D. Or if you edit a 3D model it's helpful.

But in the end it's not how the human eye works so I don't get why would you want it in a
game which is full 3D and can use a normal perspective. If camera can get close, change
angles etc it would look unnatural because things that are far away would be same size as
things that are close.

There are enough games that use exactly the orthographic projection with 3d while having rotateable camera. It juat gives Imo a much better overview over the area , is consistent and better for squad based strategy games (isnt Wasteland 2 supposed to have this?)

The same weird narrow field of view is (amongst others) one of the reasons why I find the Jagged Alliance remake is such a steamy turd.


--- Quote from: Surf on September 08, 2012, 10:51:20 pm ---There are enough games that use exactly the orthographic projection with 3d while having rotateable camera.
--- End quote ---

Could you give some examples?

How making things that are far away smaller your field of view narrower? Seems opposite to me.

I agree for strategy it's worse, but maybe in Wasteland you will be able to switch it, all we can
see for now is a crappy short video.

Mr Feltzer:
Oh yes, Working with Unity and being a Wasteland fan.. Im definitely excited for this Project.


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