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Wasteland 2 Camera demo from the Unity Unite 2012

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on September 08, 2012, 10:53:31 pm ---Could you give some examples?

How making things that are far away smaller your field of view narrower? Seems opposite to me.

I agree for strategy it's worse, but maybe in Wasteland you will be able to switch it, all we can
see for now is a crappy short video.

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I sincerely hope one can switch to orthographic projection too, but I doubt it. Now, even in a Jagged Alliance 2 (ok, this is 2d) shot, in  1024x768 I can view lots of details and stuff.

As said, this is a 1024 etc screenshot. I instantly recognize, where I can put my soldier(s) behind cover, behind walls etc. Everything is orthographic, I know instantly what a wall is, where my soldiers can take cover, I recognize all the buildings even in such a small screenshot. etc. In the Wasteland 2 screenshot? LOL! It just looks like a mess. Now, compare that "overview" from a crappy 1024x768 shot to a supposed to be "new" game:

Do you notice something? Now please tell me you would 100% totally know where to send mercs etc. to put behind cover etc if the W2 game would be in that perspective. it is a mess.

In orthographic projection I would instantly know where a wall is to go behind.  W2 is again, a turd, in the incarnation we know it atleast right now.

--- Quote ---Could you give some examples?
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I guess you never owned a playstation? Final Fantasy Tactics is an excellent example (even though there are 2d sprites in regards to the 3d world :P ), lots of other similar games (breath of fire) and many wargames (switching to such a perspective in combat) too.

Or do you want to tell me that non orthographic perspectives are more "realistic"?

Surf, ever heard of camera view? It solves a lot of problems in a TB game, you'll most probably will be able to rotate the camera, zoom in and zoom out that way allowing you to see every rat corner and inch of map where to move characters and etc. etc.(with the ability to center)

It's pre-alpha anyway.

Graphics look too cartoon-ish imo

I think I get your point Surf, but i don't think that in Case of W2 it has anything to do with type of projection it's more a thing of map design. I don't see how ortographic projection itself would make things less cluttered.

--- Quote from: Surf on September 09, 2012, 07:28:48 am ---Or do you want to tell me that non orthographic perspectives are more "realistic"?

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Jimmy BoyX:
@Surf, why dont you tell your opinion on wasteland 2 forums? I know you really love, prefer old schoold games (me too) but w2 is not bad and this is only first screenshot/short video from alpha and I think they will improve design and other features. Camera is okay and it is standard these days games.


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