Other > Suggestions

Terminal data

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Heckler Spray:
For now, honestly, we only use this system to allow friends to visit our bases.
I think this terminal is a good feature, and the one you're suggesting sounds really good too.
The main problem is that it would take too much time to enter the name of all of your ennemies/friendly factions, cause most of the time they have many many alts (too much ?  :P ).
I think players would prefer to use their own name colorizing, cause it'd be easier to modify it (you know, copy/paste...).
Maybe it would be easier if every player you tag manually during the game were automatically registered in the terminal (tehn you'd just have to modify is status, rank...), but it don't know if it's possible.


 I agree with previous responds. We use only friend status feature because one gang cannot buy multiple bases. Of course, adding new members.

 I think there must be hierarchy in membership, because only leader can kick player. Because this game is unplayable without alting (crafter, pvp, barter,...), i suggest that there could be one record for one human player and under this record should be his chars evided. So when he leave the gang, we can kick him all his chars in one step.

 But the work with terminal is hell. I cant imagine how someone will add enemy list in the terminal. Maybe you can make little web aplication, but i think that current colourizer works good. But there is not relationship among colours, enemy players and guards setting.

You already posted in MSH's and mine topic, so you do not need to be reminded of it, but the thing we really need is a 2-way interaction between NameColorizing and the terminal.

Its it possble to make the terminal functionality anywhere close to this? http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=2314.0

This could be awesome... but could that happen?

EDIT: I need to be a good bot and make a list of features I'd like to see in the terminal - instead of saying "i wish the sky were more blue" so here we go (ranked by priority):

- saving all terminal data to and loading from a text file (very high)
- adding short (8-12 symbols) custom text notes to players (high)
- adding a whole faction as friend/enemy (high)
- recoloring names of a whole faction (med) including your own faction
- reprogramming all radios in a specific spot near the terminal to the faction channel (low)
- encoding faction radio (med) so people other than friends and members
 a) can't understand anything
 b) can't say anything through the channel
 c) still can see the distress signal spots

Another solution to the last one would be just switching radio channel to 0 when it its taken away from hand (including death). But that would be less fun =) Keep in mind, that my goal here is not counter-intelligence, but instead anti-trolling (spamming in channels).

Now that I think of it, we do not need a full-scale NameColorizing Editor built into the terminal; we rather need it renamed to [FactionName]Info.txt, and have single and mass operations as described above available. This would make NCEditors obsolete - but, despite I appreciate the work made, no 3d party tools is the way to go. If only we could have voice chat in radios =)


--- Quote from: scypior on March 19, 2010, 02:39:11 pm ---Possibilities:

1) You can set the color for some gang, then this color will be modified using the data entered for this player. Let's say green for faction A, then it's light green if player is marked as friend, dark green if player is marked as unfriendly.

--- End quote ---

that sounds neat.

//Is it possible to create just a small program that adds colors to names, instead of going into the .txt and write name and stuff you just have a little box like this:

(i would gladly try to do it but my programmingskills aint that much to cheer for)

that would be very useful cause it would work not only for your main character, but for your alts too :>


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