Other > Suggestions

Terminal data

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I'd like to ask you about a feature, that's been one of the first feature done for this game, but it's time to evaluate its usefulness. Namely, the data you may enter in your gang terminal for players that are not members of your gang:
1) status: enemy/friend/neutral
2) importance: the believed rank of this player
3) faction: his/her membership

So, my first question is: do you use it at all?

And, the second is: would you like it(and will you use it then) to be connected to the colors of those players (simply, your NamesColors file could be update'able from terminal).


1) You can set the color for some gang, then this color will be modified using the data entered for this player. Let's say green for faction A, then it's light green if player is marked as friend, dark green if player is marked as unfriendly.

2) Color per player, i.e. just scrap the status/rank (or leave it as it is), and allow the terminal owners to define the colors there. This is also the simpliest solution.

3) ... (place for your proposals)

Gang terminal is just pain in the ass to work with. Sure adding some new features to it could finally give it some attention it deserves but if the current system of dialog tree does not change then it will be still the same hard work with it and insane nerve killer.
I'd love to see some upgrades done in gang management for example possibility to modify gang members also through pipboy. But thats just minor suggestion. The main one is to rework management so it will not be dialog tree based but we will have options like scrolling through members, fast edit of informations through text fields, easy promote/demote and creation of new ranks, fast editing of friends/enemies and colors assigned to them etc. It has very good potential but currently its used just to unite players under one flag so they can capture cities and share same base.

I like the way how the crafting is done. You choose an item in your fixboy, if you have mats, you craft it and voala item is done. It could work similar with gang management. In your pipboy you would have some new section with few bookmarks (gang members, invite new member, manage members/friends/foes, radio channel with MotD or something like that).

And just for the record currently you have no statistics what so ever about your gang membership so if you are member of one you don't have any character screen where you can see that (or at least I don't know about that) and I miss such overall informations about your char ingame.

feature to add a friend of gang is very useful :>

1) I mostly use enemy to mark those bad ass pkers but it seems useless (fraction number can not see red letter on their ID)
for friendly ones I heard by marking a frienly, he can see faction base in the big map (not confirmed), also the behavior of guards set on "attach non member" is not known.

2) I use importance level quite lot. It works fine. The only problem is that you can only kick somebody out of the gang if you are the leader. I think IM should also be able to do that. I suggest to have map/area/room restrictions for different ranks. It would be good for the Item management (not letting everybody have access to most valuable stuffs, locker with a lock is not enough/not really convenient).

3) I did use faction to mark players basically because how should I know which faction he belongs.

4) I remember vaguely someone proposed a friendly/foe management system means you can upload your own hand marked friendly/foe list to the faction computer database. If a player is marked as foe for more gang members/higher rank members his name could be shown in a brighter (red) color to all members and vice versa.

5) For using color codes for gang member I haven't thought about that. Maybe not really necessary or maybe you can use the same color (blue/brown?) for your own faction members

I used to rule several bases since the OBT3's start. The first thing I have to say : this terminal is a mess for new players ! How painful it is to explain what you took so much time to understand yourself ! And how much time you lose because of the lacking of shortcuts !

Some details about the whole terminal :

- There are many ways to lose time between the two menus : manage players list and browse players database (which includes non-members status). It should be reworked in one big visible menu that includes every management option.
- The different functions for players (new member, trustful member, etc) are useless. We just need 2 functions... member and ruler, that can invite and expel people. (and when a person is deleted, please make him unable to see the base anymore ! find any way to explain this, but do it ! One mistake and the base is finished)

About your question :

- The rank number is totally useless (and buggy).
- The membership of people in the wasteland... how to keep it updated ? it's impossible. I never used this function, and didnt understand it at all.
- Status are useful : be friend is good since we cannot buy two bases under one faction's name, and that's boring to resign from every base each time. Being neutral ? Dunno what does it change. Being enemy ? When we will be able to add a entire faction to our terminal, and say something like 'every player member in the terminal of that faction will be considered as enemy', maybe it will be usefull, for mercs for example. But otherwise, it's impossible too to add everyone with the actual system.

Maybe, connect NC to the terminal can be useful, if you find a way to make it easier to use.


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