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Author Topic: In response...  (Read 13148 times)

In response...
« on: September 02, 2012, 06:29:09 pm »

Quite sad to see this repeating over and over, I think you might have some mental issues OCDing so much over this game/forum and should see a doc. Not even saying this in a negative tone but all your posts lately heavily suggest this, bro. Anyway, see you on the next alt.

I think its sad that a game I once respected turned to total shit. Most of my bizare behavior was just to cause an annoyance and to act out in revenge. This time I am not trolling, I well be starting work tomorrow and I have no desire to come back around or to talk to anybody from this community. And I am not anybody's bro, after today I well be gone and won't be PC gaming for a very long time.

You remember all those server crashes towards the end of the wipe that was me, I just blamed it on the chosen soldiers for lolz. Remember that big server crash where you had to change servers that was my attack. I do have to say that this new server company very good on its security only 3 ports open, 22, 2238 and 80 only services you need yes? SSH, 2238 for the game and 80 for the web browser. I only wish I could do it agian :) Too bad your outdated shitty french server was prone to an attack and the fraggle attacked even crashed the OS :D.

I pitty you europeans I really do have no concept of what we believe as americans the right to free speech even if its insulting to those who run things. Maybe its a concept you well all grasp one day when China and India takes over, you well wish and understand the desire to speak freely. Sure maybe this is just a stupid server which you own and administrate, but I disagree and do not support the way you run these forums and the IRC.

You see since I was a young kid I have been nothing but trolled and banned in these games. I was banned from mplayer when I was 13, ban evaded that to the point where it had to be merged with gamespy. I been banned from countless half life servers, was banned from san andreas multiplayer to the point where I had the entire IP block of an entire city banned. This is nothing new to me surf, and you are right it is probably not good for ones mental health to stick around a community that shows no respect to anybody, and to play a game which is nothing but loss and brings out the worse in all of us.

The way I see this game brings out the worse stimulation humanity has to offer, greed, theft, murder, the selfish desire for power. This game isn't fun any more it has just become a daily annoyance. The game has gotten out of touch what the fallout games where about. But I suppose this comes about that it wasn't designed to be a multiplayer game I can get that. This community has shown that it does not me around and does not want to be friends so why should I stick around a virtual toxic enviroment?

The way I see it is all of you the community who is sick in the head, you are all so affected by your personal flaws that you feel the desire to piss off other people to make your own miserable self feel better for 5 minutes. I think you surf and the other admins are miserable with your lives have some personal flaw and you need to ban people for that rush of power and control so you feel better about yourself.

Sure maybe trying to troll another player into thinking I was dead was the stupidest thing I've ever done on the internet but it made for good entertainment. I actually laughed at everybody who wrote the nasty shit they did about me knowing I was dead while I was using a differnt alias on irc. The gr1m is dead joke is funny until it gets to the point where its the only thing written to you every time you talk with somebody. The story was true actually but it wasn't about me but a friend I knew growing up who died in his car from overdosing on drugs.

This isn't another I lost at pvp or died by lag rage quit, this is simply just a quit. I have found a good paying job where I won't have time to play the game, and nor do I want to visit this forum or open the game ever agian. I am moving on the better things. But I guess that is just too hard to believe that gr1m the scumbag who fakes his death, pks, trolls and insults everybody couldn't resort to anything. You guys percieve me as somebody I am not, I am actually a very moral and trustworthy person in real life and I don't consider video games where real life morals and rules apply.

But you know I really do wish the best for everybody all the young players I hope you get good grades in school and become succesful. I hope the best for everybody really. And it was once said, by a great man who I consider a hero. "It is always best to not make decisions when you are angry as they lead to bad decisions." This was quoted by the former president of the United States Bill Clinton. And that is something I have taken to heart after playing this game, most of my stupid posts my stupid rage posts and writing the shit I do to people is decisions when I was angry at a stupid pixel.

But you know there is a time in life where you have to grow up and quit the childish activity of playing video games and move onto something more serious, financial security and life. And that is where I well be I well be working and focusing on that and I have decided to quit all video games not just this one.

So good ahead spread the rumors gr1m rage quit to play hello kitty, or oh he's just trolling he isn't capable of getting a good paying job, or celebrate with cheer that evil doer is gone whatever it is all trivial and pointless. Tomorrow I move on with my life, what are you going to do tomorrow? Ban 10 more people from your forum and irc channel? The players going to play the game for another 12 hours of the same repetive brain dead activies? So really what are all of you doing with your lives that makes you all that much better than me?

This is not another gr1m troll I am being dead serious :D that I well be gone tomorrow to focus on the most important thing in modern life, financial security and economic survival. This is the final good bye. But hell what you care you well just delete the topic all because I am simply gr1m. Somebody you don't like. 

So lets just keep this at a stalemate, it was just as pointless to ban all my accounts as it was for me to keep creating them. And its also best to leave at you don't respect me I don't respect you. And for anybody to say I am ocd about this forum is the same to say you are all ocd about banning.

So goodbye everybody this is the final quit and I won't be turning back I promise you that. I am not one to break promises. I am dead :D serious about all this.


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Re: In response...
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 06:37:13 pm »

Too much, its just too much, MY EYES!!

Edit: might be gr1m again
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 06:43:10 pm by S.T.A.L.K.E.R »
Back In-Game :D


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Re: In response...
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2012, 06:41:25 pm »

You are spending last moments of your childhood writing those pointless messages! Come on,  go out, enjoy your last moment of innocence, kick some ball around. Because tomorrow, you wont be the child anymore, you will be a Man my son.
Re: In response...
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 06:43:02 pm »

Coolest *I quit tread* ever.

Hope you can protect us from China and India.


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Re: In response...
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 06:46:36 pm »

Wall of text, i just dont give a shit about it :D

It's gr1m for sure
Re: In response...
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2012, 06:47:49 pm »

Gr1m has completely lost it.


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Re: In response...
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2012, 06:59:11 pm »

At least this time he is still alive...  ;D
Re: In response...
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2012, 07:02:20 pm »

Grim you fucking kid still here?


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Re: In response...
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2012, 07:03:01 pm »

Fuck he is still there? That guy will never quit but he will keep making quit thread every week...
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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Re: In response...
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2012, 07:26:48 pm »

Heh, you really think we switched the server because of your attack? Funny guy. We switched the server then because it was the best timeframe to do it.

Rest of your post is pretty lol as well. Maybe you should find a doctor or something.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 07:29:59 pm by Lexx »
Re: In response...
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2012, 07:28:32 pm »

We switched the server then because it was the best timeframe to do it.

Okay, but what does that mean, is that good or bad? ;D


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Re: In response...
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2012, 08:33:28 pm »

gr1m, you're my hero!
Re: In response...
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2012, 08:43:28 pm »

Because he's the hero FOnline deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.
Re: In response...
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2012, 08:44:30 pm »

Septemeber 2nd 2012
Psychiatric Notes

He's back.
Always with a different name, never wanting me to know it's him again
It doesn't matter how many times he is told to leave he just keeps coming back.
Every session is the same he talks about how everyone is out to get him, how he is unfairly treated.
It started early as a teenager, the world was out to get him, always excluding him(banning) through no fault of his own, it has been like this forever with many different groups doing this and as his state appointed psychiatrist I am amazed at his delusional frame of mind refusing to believe it is he that is causing the problems not others.
He tells me how everyone else is sick in the mind and he is the only one who is a good man, honorable and trustworthy and yet the next second he smiles and mentions how he let others think he is dead and enjoyed feeding off their pain.
He tells me he is ready to move on, to leave and never return and yet I have another hour tomorrow with a patient of a new name...
I have to say it is my professional opinion that this man should be committed, he has a deep hatred for others and cannot accept that it is his own fault when others do not like or respect him.  This warps his mind into believing the entire world is out to get him, making him more and more antisocial and a threat to everyone's well being.  If I had to sum up what the patients disorders are I would have to say he is a sociopath with an extreme case of schizophrenia and narcissism.
I am not a religious man and yet, I pray everyday to wake up and not have to see him again.

I am not a real therapist, and this is merely my assumption of how a therapist would see gr1m as a patient.  Please leave us gr1m, we are tired of you trolling us and not realizing you are being banned with good reason each and every time.  If you had followed to rules and accepted responsibility for your own issues and shortcomings maybe it would not have come to this.  When you get banned by many different online communities it is generally you who is at fault and not all of them.  Somehow you can believe we are the sick ones when you are the one that tries to fake his death, is a constant asshole to 99% of the community and have to keep coming back after "being done" with this game several times.  Go live your life, I truly hope you don't act like this in real life or it will be a very lonely existence.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 09:34:25 pm by Slaver Snipe »


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Re: In response...
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2012, 08:44:45 pm »

Back In-Game :D
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