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2238 staff secretly ploting with VSB to ruin the game for everyone

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Now you did it. Now I cry that I couldn't go to finland to visit the bros this year  :'(

Awesome pics, it's always fun to see the community meeting up IRL :)

pretty decent looking fellows

Where is the brahmin ?  ???

Nice one! :D

In his zombie survival guide, Max Brooks advises to assemble a team of trusted long before the apocalypse happens.
Then make a plan and get your team ready (assigning specific tasks and training to each member).

Nice one!

--- Quote from: Shangalar on August 28, 2012, 08:10:20 pm ---TTTLA would have some problems to gather its members from Canada xD

Btw, move your lazy ass back to the game, we miss you hard.

--- End quote ---

Shangalar you just have to come to see us in america  ;D

And yes we miss you VSB.


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