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2238 staff secretly ploting with VSB to ruin the game for everyone

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Vault Silene Brahminy gang members met at the hidden place to organize Fonline 2238 goverment overthrow..... no, just kidding.
All of VSB members want to thank developers and other contributors for the hard work they have done in these last years. Without 2238 we would never have had the opportunity to meet and get to know each other.

Photos from our meeting:

And where next time? Poland, France..?  ;)

TTTLA would have some problems to gather its members from Canada xD

Btw, move your lazy ass back to the game, we miss you hard.

Randall "Mayck" Flagg.

Nice! :)

Knox on the left looks kinda forever alone. ;D

Johnny Nuclear:
Knox is not FOnline player, but he let us TC in his house  :)


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