IT. IS. A. GAME.*geez* Its supposed to be fun, which includes a friendly and helpful community of players.
dudes, what the fuck is this thread about? seriously.(and the rest of the nonsense you posted)
Fonline 2238-By Satanists for Satanists
FFS... how many of you will come and trash this topic more and more? It's not in offtopic because it sticks to actual game situation, even if you try not to notice that. And simply stop writing here if you're not interested in any way in this project, event, discussion or whatever you call it. Flame is not welcome, I guess, and it brings literally nothing than just more junk.
an egg roleplaying lol , what the heck lol rp is something different but not this i havent seen an speaking end in the fallout series till this day
So, anyway you will be eaten and only i can hear His voice. That's pretty much how it works.May Egg have mercy upon your souls.And Lovecraft... for some reason.
pvp? what pvp? pvp is almost dead and sadly the only things left in this game arre..........