Other > Closed suggestions

Replace dead "Sexappeal" with a new trait.

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--- Quote from: Raengar on March 19, 2010, 04:35:05 pm ---I would like Sex Appeal and rather useless Night person to be replaced by a paired traight: something like "Team Player" and "Loner"

Team Player would add some bonus when someone has you tagged, but a disadvantage if no one has.

Loner would add some significiant bonus but make you unable to lead and join groups (and lead NPCs either).

My first thoughts are:

Team Player: + 1 PE, +1 AG in group -> -1 PE, -1 AG alone.
Loner: + 1 PE, IN alone, no groups.

The problem would be that PVP characters will take Loner - or maybe not? the disadvantage is not as small is it might seem.

Discuss, please.

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Yeah, I wanted to suggest these perks (not traits) from Fallout Tactics, because FOnline looks more like Tactics, not standart Fallout. But there's a problem... you can easy pick loner and be simply NOT in party. So gang of... loners will always have bonus, because they're together... but alone... without "party". It's no problem in town, in encounter one of them just can use distress call fot thier loners friends and they will come. Anyway, whatever tactic I'll play, I think I'll always pick this trait for 2 free stat points.

You probably don't understand how gang PvP is done. Dedicated PvP characters do not have Outdoorsman, so they need someone to pick them up and bring to battle. If they have to go alone, they will step into shit very fast. Thus, if you pick loner, you somehow nerv team PvP for yourself... besides, if you are doing team PvP, why not use Team Player instead?

I was thinking about:
Dual Wielding

Yes, one in each hand, shooting both costs (normal APs + 1/2), but you get a penalty of -50% chance to hit. Also you can't aim just like Fast Shot trait.

I don't know if it can be done, I just think that it would be fun...at least for the one who shoots.  ;D


--- Quote from: Karpov on March 19, 2010, 05:34:15 pm ---I was thinking about:
Dual Wielding

Yes, one in each hand, shooting both costs (normal APs + 1/2), but you get a penalty of -50% chance to hit. Also you can't aim just like Fast Shot trait.

I don't know if it can be done, I just think that it would be fun...at least for the one who shoots.  ;D

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No, better then everyone can use two SG/EW one-handed weapon at a time.
But make perk (not trait) to make less % to hit. And yes you can't do aimed shots when firing with both weapons, and also it considered as burst mode but with 2-bullets burst. And no, not normal AP +1/2. AP for double shot = slowest of both weapons' AP + 1, and for burst +3, you getting -20% to hit (opposite accuracy weapon perk) with first shot and -40% with second. With burst the same + each next bullet from second weapon has double to hit penalty. "One hander" trait will make dual weilding impossible, or -80% to hit with off-hand weapon and no penalty with main hand weapon. But all this suggestions not for this thread ;p

Anyway, why do you want to replace/add traits? Why not to rework existed ones?

Night person = you don't have penalty % to hit and +N to sequence during night, but you suffer -1 ST -1 PE 'cause of day's weakness and eyes' light blindness.

Sex Appeal = when quests will be added, it'll be used, + opposite sex has more chance to do critical failure when attacking you, and the same sex more chance for critical attacks. Also NPCs opposite sex consider your CH = 5, if your CH <6, and the same sex CH/2 rounded down.

Edit: Also, continue with Sex Appeal.
If you're in party, every opposite sex player will have penalty to sequence (they will look at you most of time) and the same sex bonus to sequence (they will be nervous).
*If party has more than one Sex Appeal traits, effect do not stack.
*If party has atleast one male and atleast one female with Sex Appeal traits, party has no any effects.


--- Quote from: UbiValkin on March 19, 2010, 05:54:21 pm ---
If you're in party, every opposite sex player will have penalty to sequence (they will look at you most of time) and the same sex bonus to sequence (they will be nervous).

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You forgot imposing behaviour and that would rather bring bonuses to team members.


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