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Author Topic: Brahmin pens bug-locked  (Read 9316 times)

Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2012, 03:03:01 am »

Luckily I was smart and logged out in the brahmin pen!  I shall have all the shit to myself, all the while being protected from thieves!

Lol... Inb4getsoutofpenrich.


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2012, 11:23:32 am »

its too many topics about "nerf brahmin shit production" y u whine nobody normal would shovel it


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2012, 01:27:22 am »

I don't get the point of this really. Why is it such a big deal if people shovel shit for caps?

Its all they do is nerf shit in this game :D

I don't get it Jovanka increases the brahmin shitting rate and then she gets annoyed people throw it around and make mass caps. And then she blocks the pens lol.

Oh well shit happends :D
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 01:30:50 am by Ville »
I am the guy who likes to make rage topics so I can bring out the trolling idiot in all of us.


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2012, 05:44:10 am »

I don't get it Jovanka increases the brahmin shitting rate and then she gets annoyed people throw it around and make mass caps. And then she blocks the pens lol.


Nobody is annoyed. Brahmin from the pens are not supposed to wander around towns
and poop all over the place, that's all. If it means blocking pens for a while, too bad.
The fact that they can get out is a bug which will be fixed on next update.

But the most important reason is that blocking the pens saves me manual labor that
I would have to do after update, with looking for brahmin and putting them back in
pens in towns with hotels. I can't simply regenerate these maps, because hotel rooms
would be wiped.

I'm sorry if you think that you and your particular matters are very important and devs
spend time thinking about it and fighting with you, but that's just not the case.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 06:07:19 am by JovankaB »


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2012, 08:25:50 am »

I say just let them walk around and poop everywhere just for a good laugh until its fixed.

Hell I just argue for the sake of an arguement. It is a forum after all.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 08:37:04 am by Ville »
I am the guy who likes to make rage topics so I can bring out the trolling idiot in all of us.
Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2012, 02:17:19 pm »

Personally while the pens are 'down' I think it's a great time to work the system out a little more.  Maybe lower the psycho Brahmin charge a bit, I don't care if they Crap the same amount as last season or the same amount as recently before last update or anywhere in the middle.  I just don't like added tedium to an already tedious few minutes in game.

Personally I wish Ville that you would keep your trap shut a bit more, or at least be more adult, cause my last thread got locked pretty much solely through your flaming.  So what could have been a reasonable chat with Jovanka turned into a childish yelling match with the hang up at the end, while nothing really got worked out.  That's NOT what forums are for contrary to popular belief.
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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2012, 03:09:02 pm »

Pens won't be a place where you can find a full pen and do 100 easy clicks and log off anymore.
If you want to farm caps fast, it will always annoy you, because it's not supposed to be a place
to get rich fast. It's for newbies to get some initial caps and xp without any requirement, nothing
more. And it doesn't mean that is has to be purely farming feature - do 100 clicks and get reward.
Such thing is very bad in my opinion and should be reduced if possible.

Nevertheless, I want to change the way brahmin react to make poop shoveling more tactical.
There will be some rules of brahmin behavior instead of just 50% chance to try ram into shoveler
if distance < 5 hex. I want random/agility aspect to be reduced. But it's not supposed to make
shoveling easier (faster). Might be even harder if you won't be careful.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 03:32:20 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2012, 03:35:27 pm »

Pens won't be a place where you can find a full pen and do 100 easy clicks and log off anymore.
If you want to farm caps fast, it will always annoy you, because it's not supposed to be a place
to get rich fast. It's for newbies to get some initial caps and xp without any requirement, nothing
more. And it doesn't mean that is has to be purely farming feature, do 100 clicks and get reward.

Nevertheless, I want to change the way brahmin react to make poop shoveling more tactical.
There will be some rules of brahmin behavior instead of just 50% chance to try ram into shoveler
if distance < 5 hex. I want random/agility aspect to be reduced. But it's not supposed to make
shoveling easier (faster). Might be even harder if you won't be careful.

Really, farming caps.... Did you know that in-game we got more features, not just poo cleaning?
I'm just sad that you cannot admit that you've added half-done not balanced feature and claiming its "fine as it is", that's just sad...
People will quit shovelling and use other features, because you make it only annoying.
Not just newbies saying that but older-testers here, not just me... For first three times when cow is ramming you its funny, but then after 10 times... they're doing it too fast, and its annoying like hell, makes me craft 100 ropes instead of shovelling shit, its far easier and Im not endangered by some mad cows.
From this, Im not trolling, but I'm disgusted like you're replying to the feedback answers, change something please.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 03:41:42 pm by Tomowolf »


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2012, 03:38:46 pm »

The pens are bugged after last update (brahmin can escape them) so I locked the ones in major towns until it's fixed.

That doesn't even need a comment ;d
Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2012, 03:45:46 pm »

I want to change the way brahmin react to make poop shoveling more tactical.
Shit shoveling more tactical than PVP. gratz.

why improving the feature for 3% of players is more important than repairing things which 90% players is asking for?
anyway, you can always shovel shit in your base
im very curious why brahmin shit is so important for Jovanka.


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2012, 03:48:34 pm »

Really, farming caps.... Did you know that in-game we got more features, not just poo cleaning?

Then do the other things. Brahmin pens are supposed to be mainly the last resort for people without items, alts, friends, know-how. If you have any of these, by all means - do the other things.

I'm just sad that you cannot admit that you've added half-done not balanced feature and claiming its "fine as it is", that's just sad...

I wrote that it's WIP and that brahmin reaction will be changed. Like three times already. Just don't expect that it will get any easier, because it won't.

People will quit shovelling and use other features, because you make it only annoying.

Let's not speculate about the future especially that I have seen people in pens everytime I logged in since the change was introduced. And most complaints I read is from long time players (3 people actually) who bragged that they farmed ~5000 caps from pens (after I made the brahmin walk around in pens) or who want to pick up shit with sneaker to throw it in enemy towns.

Not just newbies saying that but older-testers here, not just me... For first three times when cow is ramming you its funn,y but then they'redoing it too fast, and its annoying like hell, makes me craft 100 ropes instead of shovelling shit, its far easier and Im not endangered by some mad cows.

OK, then do it. By all means, craft the ropes.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 04:01:57 pm by JovankaB »
Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2012, 04:32:04 pm »

What jov is saying is that soon poop shoveling will be the only feature after they finish nerfing what little other game mechanics are left into oblivion. (btw jov z0mbies could reallllly use a ghoul skin ;)  :-*)


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2012, 05:53:44 pm »

I read thread I agree jovankaB he knows best! Shoveling the cow poop is too easy to get caps and block pens was nessery to prevent town pooping. Keep up good work jovankaB I donate because of his hard work for good game! I play game for years and cow pins needed change! Cow knockdown well make this feature fun and I fooly support idea!


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2012, 05:55:54 pm »

Sorry Jovi but you are "shitty developer"  ;D


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Re: Brahmin pens bug-locked
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2012, 06:00:17 pm »

Sorry Jovi but you are "shitty developer"  ;D
Oh snap

also, since when brahmin shoveling became important?
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