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Author Topic: When Warned, Tell Us Why  (Read 7922 times)

When Warned, Tell Us Why
« on: August 17, 2012, 02:59:56 am »

There have been a few times where I've received warnings for things, and despite there being a description in the message, it does seem rather vague, and automated... I'm not entirely sure what I did this time... but this thread isn't really about me, but rather the system in general.

When a warning is issued, would it be unreasonable to link us to the offending post?

And if that post has been removed by a moderator, just send us a quote of the offending post.

I'm trying to be as courteous as possible in this next playthrough of Fallout, but to be extremely honest, it's very hard with this community.

From the hypocritical warnings towards someone who does his best to incorporated everyone in everything, to warnings about being rude to RUDE people.



Tell us what we posted when you warn us!
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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2012, 03:17:02 am »

I don't get this, is this for the forum or the game? I've never been warned nor ban before so I wonder how that feels :/
Back In-Game :D
Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 03:24:02 am »

I don't get this, is this for the forum or the game? I've never been warned nor ban before so I wonder how that feels :/

Well I just got a warning, saying that I was flaming, as well as taunting people... I looked through my posts, but the only thing I can think of is I got the warning, for reporting all irrelevant posts on my threads.

To be honest, I just want my threads to stay on topic. When people respond to a "Lost Children recruiting" thread.. and say "Lost Children SUCK!"

This is against the rules, and I report it... I'm not sure how this is breaking the rules.
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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 03:27:28 am »

mods r asleep tiem to post some truth

they won't tell u why ur b&/warned bcoz they've no idea themselves really

they delete every post they don't liek

it works liek this: they see a post right? now they either liek it (bcoz it goes liek omg mods are so awesome it's so cool dat exp. for shoveling shit is nerfed heil devs) or they dotn liek it (bcoz it goes liek 'hi, I don't think ur right about soemthing, mod' or bcoz they dont liek u and believe me odds on they don't liek u coz there's so many of them liek 15 mods every 5 forumites have liek their own mod and many are from germany/russia so u figure it out, they get buttmad easily and dont get a joke/have no concept of banter and so on so ur very liekly to upset them with the stupidest thing and they delete ur post and issue a warning but the next second they forget the thing so they cant liek tell you why they deleted teh post exactly (and also it prolly didnt braek any forum ruels too) but teh butthurt remains and from nao on ur beign watch'd and u'll haev ur messages deleted foar no reason sorry and expect this thread to earn u a ban (reason: inciting to flamewar or wahtever shittier excuse they'll come up with oh wait no they wont even do that they'll just delete teh thread rofl and send u that bullshit message that maens nothing lulz poor lost children thinking they can talk soem sense into our braindead modz haha)

Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 03:36:13 am »

...sorry and expect this thread to earn u a ban (reason: inciting to flamewar or wahtever shittier excuse they'll come up with oh wait no they wont even do that they'll just delete teh thread rofl and send u that bullshit message that maens nothing lulz poor lost children thinking they can talk soem sense into our braindead modz haha)
Well to be honest, I think the mods are just as human as I am, and as easy as it was for me to make a mistake and piss off the ENTIRE community as a whole, it's easy to make a judgement call about a mod we've never met or known personally.

So while I hope I don't get banned for speaking my mind, and trying to come up with solutions and activities, if I do, then the mods have made a grave mistake with how they uphold their population.

Remember, MODS ARE ONLY MODS, IF THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE US! Otherwise, they moderate NOTHING.
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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 03:38:21 am »

We have to churn out like, ~20 warnings like this each day. The automated messages could be a bit more descriptive I agree, but it is impossible to write indepth detailed ones each  time we have to warn or discourage someone. @ the OP, we read every topic on these forums and try to act accordingly, mistakes happen. But  backseat moderating is not allowed, we have to edit it more clearly to the rules though.
Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2012, 03:40:07 am »

oh my god 20 a day that's liek almost 2 per mod oh my god I had no conception of how overworked u gaise r lulz want a tissue to wipe teh sweat off ur forehead?

and wtf is backseat moderating supposed to mean here? discussing the decisions mods make? lulz moderator infallibility ftw stfu&obey that's rite u tell those ants where they can stick their dreams of even basic freedom of speech, u tell them
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 03:49:30 am by Mariposa_Girl »
Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 03:49:05 am »

We have to churn out like, ~20 warnings like this each day. The automated messages could be a bit more descriptive I agree, but it is impossible to write indepth detailed ones each  time we have to warn or discourage someone. @ the OP, we read every topic on these forums and try to act accordingly, mistakes happen. But  backseat moderating is not allowed, we have to edit it more clearly to the rules though.

Well if you guys want to dissuade me from REPORTING... please remove the REPORT TO MODERATOR button.

Once I noticed this button, I ALWAYS am sure to report ANYTHING breaking rules... Despite my feeling very wronged for being banned for defending myself against slander, now I'm being warned for OVER REPORTING..

However, to redeem myself from sounding like a whiny toddler, I have noticed and appreciated the redemption of one or two of my threads in which I reported peoples slander and irrelevant defamatory hate speech. And for this, I am EXTREMELY grateful, if people are not interested in what I have to say, that is completely fine, but please, do not try to enter other people's opinions with your slander.

Anyway, I do not mean to 'police' the forums, as the warning stated, but at the same time, I DO NOT feel that using a "report to moderator" button, should be reprimanded.
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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2012, 03:52:11 am »

I ALWAYS am sure to report ANYTHING breaking rules
how about u report ur own shitposts that contribute absoluet nothing and only aim@increasing ur post count?

jesus christ this community is crap as soon as another english fonline server surfaces this oen is fucking dead mark my words and it'll happen sooner than l8r too...
Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2012, 04:16:41 am »

how about u report ur own shitposts that contribute absoluet nothing and only aim@increasing ur post count?

If you really think it's to increase my post count, you miss the point... And that's fine, because some people. NOT A LOT, but some people get it, and that's all that matters.

Also I think you missed my achknowledgement to bad posting etiquette in the past. Please read entirely if you want to post a valid opinion.

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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2012, 04:22:12 am »

I didn't mean this thread but a shitton of ur other posts

Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2012, 04:27:05 am »

I didn't mean this thread but a shitton of ur other posts
Which are dated about 6 months ago, this is kind of what I'm talking about. I stopped playing 6 months ago, I come back, try to change my forum posting habits, but there is no redemption for someone already shunned, I'm not crying fowl over this, however, being warned because people are flaming ME and instigating, seems extremely fucked.

But back on point, I would of liked to know what the mods thought I did wrong, it would surely help in my rehabilitation.

I just want to help create a social peaceful environment for those who wish to be part of such a thing, and I do notice that there ARE people who long for this sort of thing, but the majority flames us out of the forums...  I remain out of sheer... I'm not really sure, maybe stupidity.

Anyway this thread leaves a sour taste in my mouth, for it's surely going to be called another one of "Lost Children's shitty useless posts that does nothing for the community"

Sorry guys.
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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2012, 04:29:39 am »


Every time i have received a warning i mostly know exactly why and where i exaggerated, and if not precisely then at least a good hunch. Sometimes it might be confusing, but don't fool yourself, you know better if you pay attention to what you are writing and how. No need to be offensive, i forget that once in a while, manage your patience, forget the stupidity around you, focus on what's important ... whatever it may be for you to read this forum and participate in it.

Simple change of attitude comes a long way.


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Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2012, 04:36:46 am »

Simple change of attitude comes a long way.

Your way of posting improved a lot lately, so this is a nice quote. No sarcasm, just the way I see it, more posters could take an example out of it.
Re: When Warned, Tell Us Why
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2012, 04:37:55 am »

it's surely going to be called another one of "Lost Children's shitty useless posts that does nothing for the community"

actually no this particular thread addresses a very important issue

mods ban people both here and on teh official irc channels at will, gms jail whoever they want and abuse shit, nobody gives a fuck as long as theyr'e not bothered (and when they are well u figure it out no1 gives but them) - that's coz none of these fucks r accountable for what they're doing bcoz the devs in charge don't giev a fuck and they're teh only ones that could stop this shit so mayeb this thread will make them change their mind and actually start giving a fuck but im not holding my breath lulz its good the thread is here though (lets enjoy it whiel it lasts)
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