11 posts and you're surprised it was trolled? Man, get serious already. Just edit the first post and that's it... Also notice that the first one that trolled that topic was Andr3aZ, who is not one of those everyday trolololly members of this fine community...
Perhaps it wasn't the best way of doing it, but clearly I was trying to appease the community by putting it all in one thread. In any case I have no interest in chronicling anything.
However, I did post in the suggestions a suggestion about adding a Roleplay Forum, where people could stay in character and request groups and activities with one another, or share elaborate stories staying within the confines of his or her role or character.
I hope someday that would happen, I am truly interested in all the little stories people could potentially be sharing if they weren't almost instantly ridiculed for sharing their stories.
I know this is off topic and all, but playing DayZ, the BEST part was reading and posting stories about the game, events that happen in game, that give the game a scope that other games can't even HOPE to achieve.
Just like DayZ, FOnline is a game where STORIES are created, and I really wish the forums SUPPORTED Story-telling as an artistic medium, and not just as RP CAREBARE FAGS.