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Changelog 10/08/2012

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In my opinion, such a big change log means an awful lot of work and time spent on improving general game quality and stability; and we should be thankful for them to actively working on the code, wasting their free time on us.


--- Quote from: Paladin on August 10, 2012, 10:06:55 pm ---no AC / HH fix ?? but why ?

--- End quote ---

More fun to fix something else.

--- Quote from: klei on August 10, 2012, 10:09:55 pm ---big change log ... awful lot of work ... improving general game quality and stability

--- End quote ---

;D ;D ;D

I'm speechless.


--- Quote from: T-888 on August 10, 2012, 10:01:12 pm ---I don't feel like saying thanks this time. Big, fat change log and that's it, just fat with no muscle behind it. Game play improvements are below everything it seems, no thanks.

--- End quote ---

First three lines of fixes (and, ofc, last one in changes) is enough reason for update.


--- Quote ---- Encounter Guards now pickup their own weapons even when thrown out of hand of a looter.
--- End quote ---

Nice. But abusers are still step ahead.

Best fix to get rid of these abuses would be to drop enclave hps to around 170-200 and reduce their aps to 10. In addition to putting some terrain obstacles so that players could fight them in tb or rt "the normal way".

I had been kicked up by a brahmin in the pen xDD


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