Hello people, I just started playing and I have no idea how to do really anything. I started out in the middle of the desert with no equipment or money, and I honestly have no idea where I could go train or get some gear. I tried the Arena, but the lady kept giving me broken armor, and the weapon she gave me disappeared when I logged back in today. Does anyone have any tips to get me started in this game? I can't really use my knowledge of the games, so I would really appreciate the help. Sorry to be such a noob, but I really have no idea where to go. A link to a good tutorial would be useful as well.
I may try again, but the ruthlessness of this game type is not really for me.
Thank you falloutdude, for being the very jackass that I was talking about that would flame me for this. To the others, thank you for not being an ass about this. I am just not sure this type is for me. Mostly because it doesn't really give me a motivation to explore and find better items when I know they'll just disappear when I die. Once again, I am NOT criticizing this game in any way, I'm simply saying it's not for me. Though, like DayZ, maybe I'll try it again in the future.