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Do you think that bringing back AC limit is needed?

Yes, I'm tired of max AC troll builds.
No, I like to use my max AC troll build.

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Author Topic: Fix AC limit.  (Read 5906 times)

Fix AC limit.
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:39:28 pm »

The reasons why it should be done were posted numerous times:

- troll bluesuit with max AC and jinxed = free scout,
- almost invincible - to kill that crap effectively you need a specialised char,
- in conjunction with jinxed it's only a troll tool, causing normal (non-trollolo) chars only to crit miss,
- it was fine as it was before the boost.

We don't need any counter-troll perks just to fix the obviously broken game stuff.
We don't need to wait till some smart team makes 5 such trolls, equips it with hi-tier armor (little AC loss) and a weapon and just makes benny-hill running in TC zone while "capturing" it.
We don't need to wait till a bunch of these idiots starts to use C4 against fully equipped teams.

I'd not give a crap about that build but sometimes I join pvp and almost every time there are few of these retards running here and there.

Yes, I have an access to 300% EW fast shot 12 PE build and I still think it's a completely retarded feature, even more than SD working with grenades was. I consider it as a bug, but yet some developers think it's a cool feature - now that it's been tested properly let's get rid of this shit.


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 08:47:32 pm »

supported. game is unplayable now.

let me guess. the 3 people that voted "no" are Uftak, roach0r and Cyber Jesus.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 09:34:26 pm by DeputyDope »

Mike Crosser

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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 12:26:59 am »

let me guess. the 3 people that voted "no" are Uftak, roach0r and Cyber Jesus.
Now there is 5 of them my guess it's Vile and BOS Armorer.
Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 01:10:48 am »

Btw i was testing out my 220 ac build lately, ive gotten killed while running by snipers, gatling laser, minigun and nades. So the whole "220 ac = invincible" is total bullshit. Most people have a high enough chance to hit that even the 220 malus isn't enough, they just don't know that because chance to hit isn't displayed when targeting ac builds. It's simply another case of people bitching about a mechanic they haven't tried or understand. Burst weapons being able to crit is way more unbalanced but you don't have a parade of whiners crying into their purses like with ac.
Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 01:20:10 am »

only snipers from like 10 hexes can shot you

Johnny Nuclear

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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 01:27:07 am »

So i'll say it again AC will get changed.
Rockwell gold card owner.


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2012, 06:39:05 am »

So i'll say it again AC will get changed.
this era ???
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2012, 09:28:21 am »

So i'll say it again AC will get changed.

sooooooooooooooooo why was it changed in the first place?


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2012, 12:08:01 pm »

So i'll say it again AC will get changed.

But why? This guy here just proved there's nothing wrong with it:

Btw i was testing out my 220 ac build lately, ive gotten killed while running by snipers, gatling laser, minigun and nades. So the whole "220 ac = invincible" is total bullshit. Most people have a high enough chance to hit that even the 220 malus isn't enough, they just don't know that because chance to hit isn't displayed when targeting ac builds. It's simply another case of people bitching about a mechanic they haven't tried or understand. Burst weapons being able to crit is way more unbalanced but you don't have a parade of whiners crying into their purses like with ac.
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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2012, 01:05:31 pm »

But why? This guy here just proved there's nothing wrong with it:
The reasons why it should be done were posted numerous times:

- troll bluesuit with max AC and jinxed = free scout,
- almost invincible - to kill that crap effectively you need a specialised char,
- in conjunction with jinxed it's only a troll tool, causing normal (non-trollolo) chars only to crit miss,
- it was fine as it was before the boost.


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2012, 01:54:33 pm »

Now there is 5 of them my guess it's Vile and BOS Armorer.
Do you even know V well enough to make such blames, kid ? I know all of his alts, none of them includes AC over 60. Watch your tongue

I personally don't think AC is THAT problematically. After all, its very similar to sneak, only that your visible.
Tho I didn't play much with a bger this season, so there must be some good reason all the hardcore PVPers detest this feature. I can only tell that some certain class of fighter (in this case, BGer) shouldn't be completely helpless by someone who isn't even wearing low-tier gear. So either nerf or put in some anti-perk.
Go to Hell, infidel
Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2012, 03:06:09 pm »

So i'll say it again AC will get changed.

Good, only this time don't let anyone influence you, cap on armor class is the right decision that will work towards the quality of this game.
Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2012, 04:37:50 pm »

bgers aren't helpless, they just bitch when they can't instakill every player they see. As for scouts its called sneakers and they have always been part of this game, ac is no different except it takes more of a build investment and is visible. TCers need to open their eyes and realize that they aren't the only ones playing this game, you want rts deathmatch go play dota.  The real problem is players get set in their builds and just bitch in forum about every other class. It's like once you pick up an avenger they think you become the terminator and should be able to gun down everyone with impunity. It's like if WoWdevs said "warriors are tougher than all the other classes because they have armour and a big sword" and made every other class obsolete in pvp. They nerfed snipers when they didn't need a nerf and didn't fix burst crits which are total bullshit. The arguments against it are useless, not killing someone is hardly a complaint when they can't hurt you and sneakers/lvl 1 suicide alts can scout just as well.
Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2012, 04:50:52 pm »

No idea what point you trying to prove, and again more gibberish, hyperbole. Most of your post is just some random nonsense comparisons that doesn't prove anything, you aren't able to out weight basic arguments because you have none.

not killing someone is hardly a complaint when they can't hurt you and sneakers/lvl 1 suicide alts can scout just as well.

Doesn't work that way in practice, sneakers can be killed by other sneakers before they get to position to scout and level 1 alts have slim chance of scouting anything at all, any other team that does TC won't let random players approaching their position and will pick off potential threat and level 1 characters are the easiest to deal with. Loner, go learn to play the game. Go back to your dark corner and don't back until common sense has struck you.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 04:52:26 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2012, 04:55:42 pm »

bgers aren't helpless, they just bitch when they can't instakill every player they see. As for scouts its called sneakers and they have always been part of this game, ac is no different except it takes more of a build investment and is visible.

And that there is no skill involved to successfully scout with AC instead of sneak and it's pretty hard to get rid of them, not mentioning the danger of doing it with jinxed, while killing enemy sneaks is perfectly doable, especially with mention sensor and you own sneaks. AC also pose problem with looting on battlefield, as it is easier to do than with a sneak. Don't see WTF it have to do with BG, most TC players don't have a preference and just pick the most appropriate build for the situation.

TCers need to open their eyes and realize that they aren't the only ones playing this game, you want rts deathmatch go play dota.  The real problem is players get set in their builds and just bitch in forum about every other class. It's like once you pick up an avenger they think you become the terminator and should be able to gun down everyone with impunity. It's like if WoWdevs said "warriors are tougher than all the other classes because they have armour and a big sword" and made every other class obsolete in pvp. They nerfed snipers when they didn't need a nerf and didn't fix burst crits which are total bullshit.

Pretty much all TC players complained about burst crits. Again you're talking nonsense, we don't have a bias for bg, and I don't really see what the hell is your problem with TC players.

The arguments against it are useless, not killing someone is hardly a complaint when they can't hurt you and sneakers/lvl 1 suicide alts can scout just as well.

No, an AC build work much better than a sneak to scout ATM. A lvl 1 suicide alt will get eliminated before seeing 2 players.
The bullshit arguments are pretty much only yours atm.
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