Other > Closed suggestions

More tactic in battles + robotic expert proffesion

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i like it, diversity is always good. Science repair guy can make a sentry turret with 50 hp shoot machine gun 15 dmg each at range 25 with cool down 30m or can make fast moving robot that can only hold pistols cooldown 1h . A demo man with high enough skills can then plant a bomb on the robot so that when he dies, he will explode, but only when he dies. Demo man should have remote mines and ground mines but can only carry max of 4 explosives in their inventory. Sneak will have to be more useful but you can only sneak if your total weight of inventory is less than 10 kg without bigguns for unarmed and thrower builds. Bigguners and snipers are good the way they are now, no need for changes


--- Quote from: Candy on March 16, 2010, 08:05:24 pm ---Bigguners and snipers are good the way they are now, no need for changes

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Yeah except they are too powerful at what they are doing and can't do anything else.


--- Quote from: avv on March 16, 2010, 07:57:39 pm --- As a matter of fact, if you can use some machine gun, how on earth is using a pistol or shotgun so hard? It would be nothing but cool that players could occasionally draw a knife or pistol without completely sucking with them. But noo, it's way too encouraging to spend every spare skillpoints to raise your primary weapon skill over 200.

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I liked the Van Buren skill system. It simplified things.

Big Guns/Energy/Small were all just FIREARMS.

Throwing/Melee/Unarmed became low tech.

Doctor/First Aid became Medicine.

It encourages people to branch out. Because there's less combat skills, people are more likely to branch out into other areas.


--- Quote from: Badger on March 16, 2010, 08:48:08 pm ---I liked the Van Buren skill system. It simplified things.

Big Guns/Energy/Small were all just FIREARMS.

Throwing/Melee/Unarmed became low tech.

Doctor/First Aid became Medicine.

It encourages people to branch out. Because there's less combat skills, people are more likely to branch out into other areas.

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Yeah, that would be awesome, isn't that true?
Also, more points could be spent and prerequisites for professions wouldn't be so high.

...So much good ideas, so little hope...

Profesion: Robotic Expert
1lvl robotic expert
90% science
90% repair
Craftable "items":
simple robot - able to gather materials (like in the idea with slaves), fight hth, fast. Stats of cute slave but more ap or other weak critter. Demolition expert can put a bomb at robot. but then it would be highly recommended to somehow block, possibility of mixing this professions in one character.

150% science
150% repair
Guardian - able to handle small guns and use them (or just shot with damages of assault rifle for example). Stats of combat slave.
Doctor - first aid and doctor skill (when master, or somebody following him is wounded, robot automatically first aid him, but have lower cooldown then players) low hp/ap unable to deal damages (or hth, low dmg).

200% science
200% repair
Heavy Guardian - energy weapon (big gun maybe?), more hp and damage resistance but less ac and ap then guardian.
Bomb disposal expert bot   - find and defuse mines (when implemented). Unable to fight (or hth, low dmg), big damage resistance.
Spybot - sneaking, fast, fight hth, big ac and ap, low hp and DR. But it would need special system of controlling, might be hard (or imposible) to implement.
Something more?

Depends on how much science skill player have and power of robot. More skill - more activated robots at the same time.
for an example:
300% science 2x3lvl robots 4x2lvl robots 6x1lvl robots
200% science 1x3lvl  2x2lvl 4x1lvl
150% 1x2lvl 3x1lvl
90% 2x1lvl

I think that this would make possible to play scientist, with no fighting skill's, and would be good for role play. I would really love to see this feature in game.
Whats your opinion?


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