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Author Topic: Help for new player  (Read 2423 times)

Help for new player
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:01:35 am »

Hello people, I just started playing and I have no idea how to do really anything. I started out in the middle of the desert with no equipment or money, and I honestly have no idea where I could go train or get some gear. I tried the Arena, but the lady kept giving me broken armor, and the weapon she gave me disappeared when I logged back in today. Does anyone have any tips to get me started in this game? I can't really use my knowledge of the games, so I would really appreciate the help. Sorry to be such a noob, but I really have no idea where to go. A link to a good tutorial would be useful as well.

Dr. Herbert West

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Re: Help for new player
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 04:13:49 am »

My Name Is Dr. Herbert West (Sovereign Is My Char Name) And If Your New And An Anti Pk Player We Would Love To Have You In our Gang.

You an Find Us At The Hub If Your Interested.  8)
We don't worship so much as follow a set of principles. We want to bring peace back to this wasteland. The world tends toward destruction, so we try to make a difference.
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Re: Help for new player
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 09:50:05 am »

Hello people, I just started playing and I have no idea how to do really anything. I started out in the middle of the desert with no equipment or money, and I honestly have no idea where I could go train or get some gear. I tried the Arena, but the lady kept giving me broken armor, and the weapon she gave me disappeared when I logged back in today. Does anyone have any tips to get me started in this game? I can't really use my knowledge of the games, so I would really appreciate the help. Sorry to be such a noob, but I really have no idea where to go. A link to a good tutorial would be useful as well.

Unfortunately a good tutorial for beginners doesn't exist.

Generally first thing to do is to collect 10 brahmin hides and make a tent.
Tents and faction bases are only safe places to store items (if you dont bring anyone there).

1. Get enough xp and gear to be a able to kill a brahmin.
2. Kill 10 wild brahmin and make a tent (or get the hides in some other way).
3. Until then you must stash items in some rarely visited place, behind a barrel in a corner of a map etc.
4. For now don't waste time to craft or buy armors. The game has full loot and you will die. A lot.
5. Don't go to unguarded towns with items you aren't ready to lose. Guarded towns: Hub, Shady Sands, Junktown, Frisco, VC, Adytum
6. Watch out for thieves in guarded towns. Don't let people touch you, keep caps in item1/2 slots.

Hinkley arena is for recreation of high level characters.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 10:08:20 am by JovankaB »
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 12:43:07 pm »

Hm, after playing for a short while and realizing you lose everything when you die, makes me wonder if I will enjoy this as much as I thought. This is what made me not play DayZ, lol. I'm not saying it's bad, some people like a big challenge like that. I'm just not sure I will. It didn't say it in the Wiki so I wasn't aware that it would happen. I went into the desert trying to find Junktown, when I was utterly destroyed by raiders. They took my only weapon that I received through a quest, and thus cannot earn back. Around 300 bottlecaps, and some other misc stuff. I'm not really a fan of this type of game. I wasn't really looking for the whole "Be scared 24/7 in-game" type of gameplay, like DayZ. I may try again, but the ruthlessness of this game type is not really for me. I am aware I'll probably get flamed for this, but I'm trying to say this in a respectful way.
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 12:56:34 pm »

dude, 300 caps is really nothing and pistol which you lose i can give 20 of those pistols for free. if you'll play some more you will get tons of stuff by yourself. every newbie quits because he lost pistol and broken jacket, dont give up!
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 06:21:06 pm »

I may try again, but the ruthlessness of this game type is not really for me.

If you decide to give it another try and can access forestnet on IRC, check #2238help for general questions and #thelastlight for some hands-on assistance. If not, feel free to shoot me a PM and we'll see what we can do.

This game has a weird difficulty curve. If you stick around, chances are you'll adapt, learn how to move, how to position yourself, what to do and what not and after a while the stuff that seems impossible to you now becomes trivial. That said, the open nature and lack of safety is a bit of a draw for 2238 and you can die anywhere anytime. That's not going to go away, you simply adapt. The "be scared 24/7" experience will go away after a while, but "watch your back 24/7" will stay with you around here.
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2012, 06:36:45 pm »

Yes, you will die a lot in this game. But that should not stop you.  ;D

First 2-3 weeks i was really scared of everything. And to be honest, it felt good, the postapo atmosphere was awesome and i was really enjoing it.

But as Malice Song said, after a while, you will adapt. And those impossible thing will become trivial indeed. Other "imposible" goals will arise. And so on.

Although there are many players, who will just shoot you on sight, there are even those who are willing to help you out. Try the IRC, eighter The Last Light or contact me via PM.


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Re: Help for new player
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2012, 09:14:57 pm »

this guy wont come back and likely he will start playing WOW or diablo. not many can play this game and deal with the harshness.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2012, 11:52:14 pm »

Thank you falloutdude, for being the very jackass that I was talking about that would flame me for this. To the others, thank you for not being an ass about this. I am just not sure this type is for me. Mostly because it doesn't really give me a motivation to explore and find better items when I know they'll just disappear when I die. Once again, I am NOT criticizing this game in any way, I'm simply saying it's not for me. Though, like DayZ, maybe I'll try it again in the future.
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 12:34:07 am »

Not too many of the guides talk about it, but your first character should really be a crafter so that you can replace lost gear. There are ways to get jump-started too, but if you don't hop into the trenches with an experienced player you'll never know.


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Re: Help for new player
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2012, 12:36:47 am »

Thank you falloutdude, for being the very jackass that I was talking about that would flame me for this. To the others, thank you for not being an ass about this. I am just not sure this type is for me. Mostly because it doesn't really give me a motivation to explore and find better items when I know they'll just disappear when I die. Once again, I am NOT criticizing this game in any way, I'm simply saying it's not for me. Though, like DayZ, maybe I'll try it again in the future.
jackass? sorry i seen many of your type. you try this game for 1 hour die many times and rage quit and make a thread like this. i know you wont come back because i seen 100 other guys like you say the same things you have said and they have not come back. this game is not meant for normal gamers. you are a normal gamer and you will end up playing one of theses many easy games like WOW and diablo. this game is harsh and many people cant handle it. you are one of them.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 06:16:56 am by falloutdude »
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Help for new player
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2012, 03:59:25 am »

The Last Light helps new people, just don't expect to get everything you ask for without moving a finger. Beggars are not liked here.,24063.msg200665.html#msg200665
Re: Help for new player
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2012, 12:50:09 am »

The Lost Children offer a hands on tutorial in game, and would be happy to help your ploy. PM me if you're interested. Good luck out there.
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