Yes yes, a bluesuit carrying nothing should be definitely able to make your weapon explode.
Your inability to use your brain and not shoot a char until he stands still is why your gun exploded, no one is making you shoot every bluesuit you see.
So you guys play in groups yet none of you are smart enough to shoot the hh when he's defenceless slowly punching your team mate to death. The best hh build does about 20 dmg on average per unaimed punch to a guy who is geared so that's between 10 and 15 seconds to kill one guy. You can kill him in roughly 2 seconds. If this is what's causing you serious problems you should stick to killing molerats.
The problem is not that they punch us.
I was using tribal god in redding today, 200 ac and jinxed. Not a single exploded gun or drop and he got killed 5 times, you guys seriously over exaggerate.
More gibberish? Free scouting isn't something that will be tolerated, your inability to understand basic arguments is extraordinary.I don't believe you. I seriously think you are just over exaggerating just to prove your pathetic point ... actually you don't have any point, that's the problem. If you think some bluesuit is supposed to be a tough foe, then you are out of your mind, witch you clearly are.
First of all, hth does not mean bluesuit. I don't go fighting naked, you can't do enough damage to kill anyone. You could just as easily scout with a lvl 1 10 pe char, your argument is invalid. A guy with a sledgehammer would destroy a guy with a minigun at close range, you clearly don't understand the concept of different combat classes. I know the reason you are here is because dota was too complicated so you wanted a game where the only thing you do is click on people once to kill them.
The main reason me and uftak are the only ones supporting this is you guys haven't actually made the build or tried using it
10 PE SS 300% EW fast shot, from 1 to 30 hexes 95% to hit. AC trolls raging.
You do it.
The main reason me and uftak are the only ones supporting this is you guys haven't actually made the build or tried using it and have fantasies that it's a magic bullet shield that makes us invulnerable.