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Do you think that bringing back AC limit is needed?

Yes, I'm tired of max AC troll builds.
No, I like to use my max AC troll build.

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Author Topic: Fix AC limit.  (Read 5905 times)

Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2012, 05:02:47 pm »

No idea what point you trying to prove, and again more gibberish, hyperbole. Most of your post is just some random nonsense comparisons that doesn't prove anything, you aren't able to out weight basic arguments because you have none.

Doesn't work that way in practice, sneakers can be killed by other sneakers before they get to position to scout and level 1 alts have slim chance of scouting anything at all, any other team that does TC won't let random players approaching their position and will pick off potential threat and level 1 characters are the easiest to deal with. Loner, go learn to play the game.

Dude you're a retarded pvp ape with zero comprehension of game theory and no knowledge of the mechanics past the crap on the wiki. Just because for the first time in the short time you've played this game a group of guys with avengers isn't an unstoppable killing machine you immediately get all pussyhurt and go cry in the forums. The reason I'm a loner is because combat in this game is boring and keeping factions together requires too much effort and has little benefits other than access to gear that I can farm solo anyways. Your biggest complaint about ac is that it makes you invulnerable which isn't true. High AC builds are easy to kill, mine dies all the time at 20 hex with 220. You're just some n00b someone trained to pvp, respect your elders bitch.


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2012, 05:11:07 pm »

Mmmh, I think it's pretty clear roachor is either a troll, either retarded and maybe both. We should ignore him from now.
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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2012, 05:11:50 pm »

> dying all the time with max ac troll
> calling other noobs

Mmmh, I think it's pretty clear roachor is either a troll, either retarded and maybe both. We should ignore him from now.

Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2012, 06:02:31 pm »

Don't feed the angry troll.

High AC builds are easy to kill, mine dies all the time at 20 hex with 220.

Noob. ;D
Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2012, 07:32:57 pm »

High AC char are not good scout, you should try to play at least one of this char:
As they need to run everytime they can't have a permanent field of view.

Also as sneak can be killed by other sneaks, High AC char wouldn't be killed by other High AC char?

Though, I do agree the real problem of this alts is looting on the battle ground and jinxed trait.


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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2012, 07:48:00 pm »

High AC char are not good scout, you should try to play at least one of this char:
As they need to run everytime they can't have a permanent field of view.

So what? Just seeing the enemy briefly is enough.

Also as sneak can be killed by other sneaks, High AC char wouldn't be killed by other High AC char?

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Re: Fix AC limit.
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2012, 07:56:10 pm »

bgers aren't helpless, they just bitch when they can't instakill every player they see.
and you also bitch about dying in bluesuit with nothing to lose so you can come back in 30 seconds and troll again.

As for scouts its called sneakers and they have always been part of this game, ac is no different except it takes more of a build investment and is visible.
what build investment? you just go in bluesuit. and you can also loot the dead bodies. hardcore investment.

TCers need to open their eyes and realize that they aren't the only ones playing this game, you want rts deathmatch go play dota.
yeah and you should open your eyes already that supporting this shit fucks up the game.

The real problem is players get set in their builds and just bitch in forum about every other class.
i don't have neither the time, nor the mood to level 500 characters because devs keep changing game mechanics. ofc i get set in my build. i level it with a purpose, and if i see my build is useless after an update/change, i'm getting mad.

It's like once you pick up an avenger they think you become the terminator and should be able to gun down everyone with impunity.
yeah. because EVERYONE in this game plays with BG. SG, EW, fuck'em.

They nerfed snipers when they didn't need a nerf and didn't fix burst crits which are total bullshit.
this discussion is about high AC, not snipers/crit bursters.

The arguments against it are useless, not killing someone is hardly a complaint when they can't hurt you and
but they can hurt you. if you 1on1 them, you are fully geared, he is bluesuit. you shoot him, you lose turn, he can just HH you to death. because you can't hit them you have to wait for them to come to you. you critically miss losing turn, they have enough time to come and HH you, so please stop talking BS.

sneakers/lvl 1 suicide alts can scout just as well.
sneakers can be counter-attacked by snipers and other sneakers. lvl 1 suicide alts can be killed in 1 second by snipers, so they won't get to scout too much.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 07:59:35 pm by DeputyDope »
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