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Market is going BOOM!

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BOS Armorer:
sad indeed, as people like that don't even take the time to think of creative names. Just yesterday i saw people called blue1-4 in den, junktown, hub, and ncr waiting for companions...but that is possibly understandable, as they are rare. But things like tentalt(i shit you not that person does exist) are just stupid....alts for mining and crafting seem a bit understandable under these conditions, but overall its forcing people to keep making "alts, alts, and moar alts!"


--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 07:58:36 pm ---Anyway, if we must have that crafting cooldown thats more balanced than 1h cd. for 3Int char which can barely make fire out of flint and 300% skill engineer.

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So you would like to determine CD cap from int too? Or you want to make skill cap based on characters s.p.e.c.i.a.l. ?
I know it's strange that 3 int char can have 300% skill engineer, but it's how this game currently works.

It was my thoughts shortcut - i meant that crafters which has got 3Int cant even speak properly (can actually got 215% skill in repair if put all skills there) and nobody will make 3Int builds for craft - its inefficient, its rather build for soldier.
Cooldown should be based on Repair skill in my opinion, which is related to SPECIALs anyway (more INT more SP per lvl). :)


--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 10:52:58 pm ---Cooldown should be based on Repair skill in my opinion

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--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 07:58:36 pm ---True, true, good idea. Sadly, imagine "Repairman_no.12" alts.

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That's is something what has happened already, bad idea.

The crafting CD has to be the same for everyone, just longer than current or raise slower. There's nothing complicated about it.

--- Quote from: T-888 on July 23, 2012, 01:55:48 am ---Players have always been limited by some sort of "cooldown", you are talking about candy land that doesn't exist, never has, never will. The only difference is how the cooldown is experienced, as lexx said very precisely, finding ore in encounters or a global cooldown for ores in mines, or finding a weapon in encounter like gauss pistol, it's just experiencing the same timer in a different way. Let's say gauss pistol is craftable, need to adjust certain features, chances, values for it to be craftable at the same speed it can be found in encounters, it can be done. Just like it's possible to adjust ores in random encounters to be found at such a difficulty it will match current time needed to make certain amount of items.

By cooldown don't understand only the raw amount of minutes added upon crafting an item, but also the time needed to obtain resources for it, movement between locations (currently more time is added, since we have to move to public places that workbench is relatively far), obtaining blueprints, it could be completing a quest for a rare resource, finding encounters etc. etc. time consumptions. That all just adds together and make the total time needed to get the final product- item.

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Some useful information, i just see some incorrect information on this topic. Like this.

--- Quote from: DeputyDope on July 25, 2012, 05:58:02 pm ---no cooldowns whatsoever. period.

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It doesn't work that way my friend.

Jack Wagon:
Blah blah blah PvP bullies, blah blah blah PKers blah blah blah blah carebears.

I think they should ease up on the timer a little bit, like maybe 4-5 metal armor an hour is reasonable. 4-5 metal armors can go quick if you do a lot of PvP. I would say on average the PvP character has 2 characters on map for fast log that is enough to supply at least 2 characters, then to regear if they both die in a fight.

I am too much of a PvP ape and never understand the desire to do nothing but craft and fill bases with gear and e-mote in NCR all day. I for one don't want to spend my entire day trying to craft and gather gear for a fight I just want to spend no more than an hour get a few armors and weapons stimpacks for the next TC or reno action. The guys who are hardcore PvPers such as myself, we do action, get some half broken gear as a reward. If we lose and die with our gear, we don't want to spend 2-3 days preparing for one shitty 5 minute action, we want more action and can't get enough of it so I think its best if cool downs are a tad bit more relaxed.

PvP apes want to town control and kill other teams in reno, and we don't want this to be a pain in the ass to resupply our characters. PvE and crafting is boring to us there is no challenge it is not same experience. Killing some stupid AI is nothing compared to trying to kill a player.

You see the thing with PvP is you don't die and quit after losing one flight being a good PvP player is all about trial and error, we try out new builds remake characters, we die we regear we are not the problem when it comes to hoarding. We actually lose a lot of gear and don't have bases packed with shit, so why limit and nerf our ability to get gear? If you make getting gear take super long and pain in the ass to get nobody is going to show up to fight and risk good gear and it makes for less interesting PvP. Then the factions who don't want to risk good gear are going to get stomped quit then the dominate faction is going to get bored, I think this kind of a shit direction for this game. Then Pretty soon there is going to be nothing but NCR emoters and there well be nothing left for the petty ape than to spray e-moters in NCR and that well be the best PvP there well be if they keep making shit frustrating.


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