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Market is going BOOM!

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At, Deputy Dope:

Well, yes, i was in some PvE this session and if you encounter something vs something and they're busy fighting each other, and you enter alone and make a distress call for friends its not hard at all. But thats not the point, making NPCs tougher is wrong way, you can always fool computer player.
So, options in my opinion:
1. Make crafting cooldown more balanced, higher hour cap for crafting, or just remove the cap and instead give some short breaks (30sec) for making each item.
2. Leave obtainable through encounters stuff that is high tier, with which you can PvP, but not the highest. So, bring back BA and nerf a bit CA/Ma MkII or buff BA. Avenger miniguns back and miniguns slightly nerfed or Avenger better. Dont know if its the right way, but i think highest tier stuff shouldnt be obtainable with that ease, it dont have to be craft the only way to obtain BA/Avengers, but can be something different, connected with PvE.
3. Encounters should be limited in some way, frequency should decrease with amount of killed creatures and replenish by time. (there's no infinite number of soldiers over wastelands)
4. (as for me, personal request :D) make 7.62 craftable in easier way/nerf a bit m60 so Biggunners got some middle tier weapon (now its uberstuff or flamers).

At StickyWicket:
I'm not often ingame, but i still sometimes get some RP while i am and i think it is possible if players gangs would have more game mechanics allowed to make their own vision of wastelands. Wasteland Protectors were cool, as well as Redding project, i liked it much, but there were not much possibiities others than use your imagination only to make RP. If we for ex. could influence on ingame world more it would make new possibilites.


--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 05:32:28 pm ---At, Deputy Dope:

Well, yes, i was in some PvE this session and if you encounter something vs something and they're busy fighting each other, and you enter alone and make a distress call for friends its not hard at all. But thats not the point, making NPCs tougher is wrong way, you can always fool computer player.

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being in SOME pve fights doesn't mean you do pve constantly. and what if  i have no friends? what will i do then?

--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 05:32:28 pm ---So, options in my opinion:
1. Make crafting cooldown more balanced, higher hour cap for crafting, or just remove the cap and instead give some short breaks (30sec) for making each item.

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no cooldowns whatsoever. period.

--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 05:32:28 pm ---2. Leave obtainable through encounters stuff that is high tier, with which you can PvP, but not the highest. So, bring back BA and nerf a bit CA/Ma MkII or buff BA. Avenger miniguns back and miniguns slightly nerfed or Avenger better. Dont know if its the right way, but i think highest tier stuff shouldnt be obtainable with that ease, it dont have to be craft the only way to obtain BA/Avengers, but can be something different, connected with PvE.

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stop saying the word "nerf". just stop it.

--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 05:32:28 pm ---3. Encounters should be limited in some way, frequency should decrease with amount of killed creatures and replenish by time. (there's no infinite number of soldiers over wastelands)

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how about no?

--- Quote from: Wiktor_pl on July 25, 2012, 05:32:28 pm ---4. (as for me, personal request :D) make 7.62 craftable in easier way/nerf a bit m60 so Biggunners got some middle tier weapon (now its uberstuff or flamers).

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nerf again? m60 is fine as it is. ammo relatively rare. middle tier? hmkay. m60 IS middle tier. you can't run with it now can you?

Well it wouldn't be bad to make a suggestion to devs about balancing game economy but what exactly needs to be done?
I think most of you agree advanced workbenchs should stay in public places but only high tier items should require it. So exactly which items should be craftable on advanced WB? Advanced gunpowder, alloys and good metal parts should be craftable on normal workbench for sure. Items which will require advWB could be:

tesla armor, combat armors
FN FAL, XL70E3, P90, Sniper rifle, H&K CAWS, pancor jackhammer, .223 pistol
minigun, Improved flamer (maybe make LSW craftable on normal WB and M60 on advanced?, M60 is more powerful)
ext. cap. for laser rifle and plasma pistol, plasma rifle
Ripper, supersledge, mega power fist, super cattle prod, plasma granade
MFC, .223 FMJ, 5mm AP, 7.62mm, 14mm AP, rocket AP (here is problem, minigun and assault rifle needs lots of 5mm for bursts, but if you move it from advWB to normal WB, it would be unfair to other types of munition, maybe make 5mm more accessible from farming?)

This list is just from my point of view so if you have any reservation about it, post it.
Also crafting cooldown should be longer. I was thinking that CD cap time could determine from repair skill, for example 50% repair skill equals 1 hour, so on 300% you would have 6 hours crafting CD. (this is minimal CD i would suggest, it can be higher but it seems to me its enough.

About farming i don't know much but I were killing vault patrols, press gang and raiders with my friend so I know too its not so easy. They are not in small numbers, have lots of hp and when they crit it really hurts. We are killing them in turn base, hiding in ruins from their fire, still one time when they were alone and moving first, they teared us apart in two turns. So i dont know if devs should make farming easier but definitely they shouldn't make it even harder.

Another source of income is trading. here is problem right now, traders buy almost nothing, most of time they don't have nothing interesting and they don't have caps. If you would like players to more trade between themselves, they could trade ammo. If they would have stable access to ammo from crafting, farming, stealing they could trade spare ammo with other players. Ammo on traders would be scarce instead of caps, so there would be more caps for trading spare weapons to trade with other players for more ammo. I don't know if this could work, its just an idea.

About stealing I know nothing exept it piss me off when they do it to me :D .


--- Quote from: Kool-Aid on July 25, 2012, 01:24:49 pm ---God, NO, NO and NO !
NO fucking buyable advanced workbenches ! This is not freaking WoW where you can buy ride turtles if you spend your whole life on it gathering virtual money or pay real money. Neither is this your personal crafting-factory simulator. This is FONLINE and it's solely the devs thing how they make the game. Do you really think they would have implemented this current system requiring you to fight/grind for AWBs if everyone could just go along buy himself one and dwell in their caves again like last seasons ??
 Every faction would buy itself a workbench, and the whole point of the current system, to get sissy crafters out of their basement, risking their asses and have their faction fight for their exclusive right to craft gear goes down the drain. You keep forgetting what the former name of Fonline was, It was FACTIONS MOD, not build-your-own-little-chinese-factory mod .
It is great like it is, I agree the cooldown is for the butt with all current limitations, but I'm sure devs already took notice that this feature sucks and will work over it. Maybe they will notice that nice idea of making the CD depending on your repair/science skill and implement it, who knows.

 Just don't start crying because your wet crafting dreams of crafting yourself some self-esteem have been crushed now, crafting isn't the main core of this game, and you got enough stuff left to waste for now, I'm sure, so you can very well make a break for some time. Just relax people, it's a matter of time, you pussies.

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This would be a great argument except that people can camp gunrunners and craft 24/7 if they wanted to anyway. The purchase of the advanced bench would be a mere formality; it's more of a matter of accepting that this play-style exists and will exist regardless.

And if FOnline isn't a crafting simulator, why in god's name is there a 1 hour cooldown? Before casuals could craft and move on with the game, but with the current rules the devs have encouraged the use of craft alts like battery chickens and crafting each hour on the hour. If you're a no-lifer you even have more of a production advantage now than when there were no restrictions on crafting.

As a no-lifer, I can attest that the 1 hour cooldown has not stopped me. My main limiter is still running out of resources, and the only thing the cooldown really does is make the gameplay more jerky. Like if my friend Charlie C wants to go gecko hunting, I have to say "Not now Charlie. My cooldown timer just expired and I have to go craft two more plasma pistols." That's less character interaction and being chained to the basement right there.


--- Quote from: Giftless on July 25, 2012, 06:17:07 pm ---Like if my friend Charlie C wants to go gecko hunting, I have to say "Not now Charlie. My cooldown timer just expired and I have to go craft two more plasma pistols." That's less character interaction and being chained to the basement right there.

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Best argument for removal of cooldown timer right there.


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