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Market is going BOOM!

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--- Quote from: Enguzrad on July 24, 2012, 02:45:43 pm ---Ok, how about this. What is the player's target in this game? Looks like it is pvp, pve and town control. So this three things are fun. People want to do fun as often as is possible. So lets minimize boring things like gathering lots of equipment and leveling your character. Leveling should be faster and equipment should be much easier to get so we can enjoy more fun as pvp, pve and town control. Is that better?

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I would love that, but lets be real.. i dont think this will ever happen


--- Quote from: TKs-KaBoom on July 24, 2012, 02:18:40 pm ---Hey is it just me or am i really hearing (as in reading) some stupid shit right now?  You are NOT Stan Lee and this isn't the story of the Amazing Spiderfag.  I just want to go on record now that if the devs get hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and because of brain trauma actually implement this ridiculous bullshit I am the first one out the door before I get trampled by whats left of the semi sane playerbase (that are right on the edge of 86ing this pos btw) leaving this rpg idea of a shitfuck.  Contrary to popular believe all opionions are not equally valuable, some people are just fucking stupid.  This is fallout or should at least try to pretend to be as much.  This is not some in depth cosplay, it may be for YOU, but 99% of the people that play this don't want anything to do with your derp doh hug emote take a sip of beer /emote blah blah blah

Wait a minute.... actually Jovanka does nvm.

reducing encounter frequency?  WTF is wrong with you people?  I think your ideal game would consist of you traveling the wasteland for days with a pointy stick and only ever coming across rats and radscorpions.  Is that really your idea of a good time?  or fun?

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this. you couldn't have said it better.

i think rp-ers should rp and stop making retarded suggestions about PvP and PvE. because most the time they have no fucking idea what they're talking about anyway.

Maybe should the best base available - vault - have an advanced workbench, becouse half of items needs it and if their purpose is to draw people out to interact with each other, it fails in it anyway. But it don't look that players trade with each other much. Every one have enough weapons, armor and ammo, the only thing which no one has enough is caps (exept factions with some town under control maybe). So how about that npc traders would have more caps, but not much ammo, so players would sell spare weapons and armors to npcs, gets caps, and for caps would trade ammo with other players.
And some low tier smg with 9mm ammo would be nice :D.


--- Quote from: TKs-KaBoom on July 24, 2012, 02:18:40 pm ---... Contrary to popular believe all opionions are not equally valuable, some people are just fucking stupid.  This is fallout or should at least try to pretend to be as much.  This is not some in depth cosplay, it may be for YOU, but 99% of the people that play this don't want anything to do with your derp doh hug emote take a sip of beer /emote blah blah blah
reducing encounter frequency?  WTF is wrong with you people?  I think your ideal game would consist of you traveling the wasteland for days with a pointy stick and only ever coming across rats and radscorpions.  Is that really your idea of a good time?  or fun?

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Holy crap, that's like everything I ever thought about RPers channelled in one simple outraged, yet elegant post. You are a genius ! *claps* Wannuh go vith mee ?
Yea, if anything the chance of encountering stuff and players should be increased. I get this bad feeling that to find good encounters, the worst thing I can do is tagging OD

--- Quote from: Enguzrad on July 24, 2012, 03:07:06 pm ---Yeah, it's just another extreme.   :D
Maybe it would be better just make some little changes. Like determine crafting cooldown according to repair skill (of course higher then just 1 hour), every npc lootable but dropping a little less ammo, make PA available by perk which can be learned from BoS/Enclave when you join them and have enough reputation from doing missions, make traders in town buy more stuff then just small guns and their price for buy and sell should fit to their amount.

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I agree on everything but the PA suggestion and less loot thing. I remember those times meeting immortal PKs in APAs around hub. That was rather... a dull experience. The repair suggestion is pretty good, it would make putting repair over 150 actually useful. Dont' really know about less loot though. All the encounters were already badly downgraded this season.
Two examples: During the Last seasons .223 rounds were incredibly easy farmable. Instead of however making it just appear less often by introducing the new .22 rounds as a side-ammo, it has been completely replace by the latter thus making it unfarmable. One extreme exchanged by another.
A lot of NPCs that carry now hunting rifles, greasers and 10mm pistols were once holding AR's, 10mm smgs, 14mm pistols and needlers. Some of those weapons are practically non-existent now if it comes to usage. Who would want to craft a shitty 10mm smg anyway? 
Soo... if anything, they should upgrade the encounters back, instead of decreasing the joy of PVE and eradicating whole weapon types.


--- Quote from: Enguzrad on July 24, 2012, 03:48:02 pm ---Maybe should the best base available - vault - have an advanced workbench, becouse half of items needs it and if their purpose is to draw people out to interact with each other, it fails in it anyway.

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No, the idea of linking crafting to PVPing is actually a great one. This thing would only hurt newbs and poorer players, crafter no-lifes and gangs would be again sitting in their virtual basements all day The only bad thing about advanced workbench is that practically every useful craftable shit needs one. If only top high-tier weapons/armors would be craftable at AWBs, just fine, but why isn't a simple WB enough for crafting let's say 14mm pistols, needlers, SPCs, mkII armors and dynamite?
Make more stuff craftable at WB, and in return remove the safe advanced WB at gunrunners. I think that would be the optimum for what dev's tried to achieve with the new crafting system.
Needless to say, I'd love to pwn bambis, gorgons, gn13 and some other crybaby crafters' asses at mariposa just to step on their hat and start RPing a CS1.6 kidso killing all his opponents solely, that would summon a big smile in my face. Just imagine the batshitrage against pks ... bawww ... mhh tasty


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