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Market is going BOOM!

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Sounds good to me!  no more farming! or stealing! or crafting!
We can all just sit in NCR and talk about each others vaginas.  Then put a Cooldown on speech so it's just mostly awkward silence....

Haha, you know, i'm ashamed by many things i did in my life but not by posts on forum about computer game. :D In my opinion, there's no balance between crafting and farming. Crafting was good without cooldown, but it seemed to be overpowered - so they nerfed it, and i think farming should be nerfed as well. The thing is, there are infinite amounts of supermutants/NCR armies/Hub,VC patrols on the wasteland, and they're NPC - come on, you can beat stupid bots in many many ways and always player would win with computer (well, if he got brain - the player i mean). You can kill them with soo much ease that its really killing the system. Indeed, maybe idea with PvE quests sounds lame :D:D:D, but overall, there should be just some balance in gathering stuff by fighters and crafters, and some other PvE possibilities to get fun than endless "finding encounter/call team wandering on WM/kill everything in TB/collect stuff/repeat". As many said, HQ stuff should be obtainable in harsh way - not by collecting from dead bodies of stupid computer players. And, overall, i will add that its too easy to get rich in this game - there's just too many too easy obtainable stuffs around. Its not "harsh" wasteland at all. I'm still trying considering this game as RPG and thats my view of this game, you may agree with that or not, its the forum to share ideas isnt it:P

The players that actually end up using their shit don't give a rat's ass because they've already horded so much itenz that they're set for life or at least until wipe.

So ..... yeah.

Of course we're talking about next wipe, economy for this wipe is lost already (as well as it happens in other seasons, its just a matter of time, but it should be more balanced from next wipe. Every season we learn something new which is speeding dying of economy (last time it was interests in banks), so i think we should consider what was bad this season. (its beta, isnt it :P)

Anyone thought about npcs defending themselves? You kill bunch of enclave soldiers so they spawn in your base, kill whatever they see, randomly pick up some of your stuff, stay for a hour or two and then go away. Everything would be lootable becouse npcs would somehow react on players actions not just stay in their encounters...


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