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Changelog 19/07/2012

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--- Quote from: Wichura on August 09, 2012, 11:31:26 pm ---Wow, there's still something to nerf in BG?

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Avenger and minigun damage was buffed by approximately 15%(bullets shot/base damage changes), they add +3 damage per bullet on perks possible witch is roughly 30% damage increase of what 2xBRD gave for 40 bullets shot previous session(now it's 30 but high damage, very high damage per bullet), they remove BA from game witch is 3 DT less than normal combat armor, furthermore most of the builds are forced to play with MAmk2 otherwise get squashed by gatling gun witch is 5 DT and 5%(CA 40 DR, MAmk2 30 DR, but 5mm AP ammo decreases 35 DR, so 1 toughness perk DR doesn't even count while wearing MAmk2) DR less than BA for defense against avenger.

It was good balance previous session for PvP in general(few changes here and there, with some good discussion and it would have been perfect), mostly we had avenger builds/lsw/RL running around, but yes buffing miniguns was the right choice, stupid ... does not compute. Why these changes? Even more stupid to ask actually, because Solar is away and most probably for a long time.

Now its is even better, you have to use Your brain b4 you "click" the enemie. Gatling - prime target on CAs, Avenger - Metal/Tesla armors. Team need also Tanks who will take 1st wave of dmg on their torso. Some snipers to make a "drop weapon" hits, etc. Its more team organized now. We have constantly fights everyday since few weeks. The only problem are AC troll, but even them can be cutted with proper build - i think every troll heard the name Troll Hunter :D

Rage master:
Dude pvp was allways like That. U had to use ur brain but now u Have instat death from crit burst and troll builds (or plasma sneakers).


--- Quote from: Rage master on August 10, 2012, 09:26:08 am ---Dude pvp was allways like That. U had to use ur brain but now u Have instat death from crit burst and troll builds (or plasma sneakers).

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Plasma sneakers was nerfed, i dont think they are so deadly. AC trolls arent so dangerous if you have special build.BG bursters are primary damage dealers, so you can nerf them to be usles. Anyway theres no such superduper build which cant be shot.

In real PVP you should have team full of counter builds, so whole team will not die from 1 sniper or other build. Btw iam not PVPer.

Rage master:
I was leader of CS and i know what i am talking about. I had gatling crit bursters and i could kill anyone with crit (300+ damage in range even vs tesla)


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