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Changelog 19/07/2012

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- Guards inside the Salvatore's Bar and the Shark Club will protect the player characters.
- Patched up holes in some maps.
- Treasure Hunter perk no longer lowers ammount of items.
- Mega Power Fist and Power Servos appear in Fixboy.
- Fixed various minor dialog errors.
- Brahmin hides no longer disappear after placing them in brahmin inventory.
- Town Control timer / area check bug is fixed.
- Brahmin no longer get stuck on the pen entrance if they are outside the pen.
- Fixed exploit allowing to loot critters that shouldn't be lootable.
- Supermutants in the gunrunner caravan quest no longer drop weapons due to criticals.
- NCR Residence area is now accessible via Town/World-button on the worldmap.
- Rats in Vault 15 no longer speak like a human in combat.
- Jet and Kamikaze decrease Damage Resistance properly.
- Quick Recovery perk should work now.
- Cumulative crafting timeout (1 hour)
- Bug in Mantis dialog that made the question to get Explorer perk unavailable in some case.

- Raiding Supermutants have been spotted at the Ares rocket silo.

- Added consequences for killing brahmin in the Westin quest. The brahmin also protect each other.
- Montag gives a quest tip if a player confuses town well with the water pump.
- After being fed, Shren won't be hungry for some time. Reward increased to 50xp.
- When using, waterpipes fill all empty waterbags in the inventory as the default action.
- NPC doctors prices depend on what needs healing.
- Added a dialog option to ask companions about their weapon preferences before taking them.
- Changed order of items in Fixboy: Materials appear on top, followed by armors, ammo and weapons.
- Railway Gang thugs will remember characters who attacked them.
- Added blueprints to loot container in the Glow.
- Various improvements with brahmin that should result in better poo distribution inside the pens.
- Slightly adjusted critical hit tables.
- More recognizable water tiles in New Reno sewers.
- NPC don't loot armed explosives anymore. NPC looter will also shout warning about the bomb and all NPCs in close distance will move away.

- if client will crash on start, removing current game cache file should help

Update!  :)

why you no fix ac!

no high AC/jinxed fix? me sad.

good update.

Mike Crosser:
The rats finally decided to shut up?
Nice one. :)


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