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Changelog 19/07/2012

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Sad that he never shared his experience in game with us, that would explain a lot of his decision making on changes made, thus allowing to build better consensus between developers and players on how the game should look like, what changes to be expected etc. etc. Communication is vital for the game to progress, in my opinion. Though his opinion was like that developers are making their own game, not the players, so maybe it didn't matter if he played or not, his attitude reflected on the quality of the features he implemented.


--- Quote from: Shangalar on August 01, 2012, 03:45:22 pm ---alright, but if he plays solo, that doesn't help much to work on pvp balancing.

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The fact that he probably spawns all his items using GM commands doesn't help either.

I'd trade a week of jovankas time spent working on this project for her to just join a faction, try different builds, experiment, experience what the player does.

--- Quote from: Stration on August 01, 2012, 03:56:16 pm ---The fact that he probably spawns all his items using GM commands doesn't help either.

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I think he was just testing weapons, making DPS charts and other nonsense most of time anyway.


--- Quote from: Surf on August 01, 2012, 03:39:40 pm ---When he has time, Solar is actually pretty often ingame, on quite a few different characters aswell.

--- End quote ---

Yes, i heard he has high ac troll, sd crippler and hh unarmed build. He also hates crafting.

Lockes at glow are what?
Didnt noticed. Better fix door autoclose, was usefull at pvp there


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