Idea is simple, implement safety prewar suitcases into the game to support player vs. player trades (=non combat player interaction).
How: Safety suitcases are prewar relicts that could be founded in encounters. They are
filled with various random useful or useless stuff (ammo, medicaments, weapons, tiny chace to get realy rare weapon). When you found one, you can use your lockpick skill to open it.
If you are successfull, you will get random item.
If you are unsuccessful, you will recieve this message: "Even your lockpick skill is high, you dont know how to safely open suitcase. You suspect that inside is an explosive that would destroy content or even kill you. It would be better to let
someone else open this suitcase."
The point is, that every character would have only
one chance to open it. The high lockpick skill should not be needed, in fact,
lockpick skill should be eliminated in roll. If you fail, you have to aks/trade/sell/give to other player, until some player (char) would open it. The only requirement is, that character have to be at least at lvl 10 or maybe more, to avoid suitcase metagaming.
Chance to successfuly open the suitcase could be fixed: 1:100, 1:250 ... so even numerous gangs, after they tried all their chars, would need help of other players. I can imagine, that after whole (or majority) of faction temates tries to open it, they would need to interact with non faction player. Sell it or exchange it for another safety suitcases.
And finaly.
This should not be lockpickers chars feature, this should
improve trade relation among factions/players that have (almost) everything and dont need to trade outside their faction.