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Author Topic: Things that need to be fixed  (Read 4174 times)


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Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2012, 05:39:14 pm »

-Other players client crashes when putting items on the trade screen.

I get a weird crash sometimes when I pick up items or put on ground in one of my bases.


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Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2012, 05:59:10 pm »

If you stand back from this whole project and get a broader perspective, the developers have actually provided very strong, solid communication in the following ways:

> We have a forum and it has a Bugs area - that means they care about this thing. That's the devs saying to the players "hey we care about this! Tell us about bugs!" That's strong comm right there.

> There is a developer blog too. That means they see value in informing us of news. That's the devs saying to the players "hey check out what's happening! here's the news!" More strong comm.

> We have wipes. That's solid proof the devs are working on this project in a major way. It's them saying, "We're on this thing!"

> Server migration. This only happened because they are committed to keeping this thing live and running. They didn't call you on your cell phone to tell you, true, but they migrated a ding-dang server! That took a lot of time, making calls, finding a new service, weighing the options, etc. Take that as more strong statements from the team that they are committed to this project.

So...their comm is not exactly what we all want. But rather than try to force them to adapt to our standards, let's try adjusting our expectations proportional to how much we pay each month to play here. I hope that helps, ie we're the ones who need to change, not them.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2012, 07:11:10 pm »

I agree with Marko, I've work as a game tester professionally and most devs don't give a shit about fiing bugs since it's all about having a working "good enough" product in the shortest timeframe. I've seen ridiculous glitches ignored just because the game passed the compliance standards and any more money spent fixing the game would be a waste. Shit gets fixed generally, the devs do pay attention to the community and a lot of good ideas are crowdsourced into the game. You can't expect people doing something for free to work like they are doing it for pay, long waits is the price of quality.


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Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2012, 07:49:58 pm »

one word

Yes please :D and make combat timeout 45 secconds.
Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2012, 09:23:43 am »

Uranium ore not available (bug or not?)

What is the respawn time for uranium ore in BH mine? I was standing there for an hour and still depleted. Can someone tell me, its buged or what?  :)
Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2012, 06:09:50 am »

Maybe fix the player encounter system. I don't know how it works now but i havent been able to encounter other players pretty much at all this wipe. TC is not the only combat that needs work there are people who would like to pvp in turn based as well but it was all but erased from the game basically. Turn based perks were nerfed, its hard as hell to encounter players, and the lack of players on the server already make it near immpossible.
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Re: Things that need to be fixed
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2012, 06:24:28 am »

What is the respawn time for uranium ore in BH mine? I was standing there for an hour and still depleted. Can someone tell me, its buged or what?  :)

I don't believe it respawns at all.  Whether it's a bug or not I dunno, but it's been months since anyone I know has been able to mine it.
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