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Author Topic: New Old Tc Summary  (Read 1747 times)

New Old Tc Summary
« on: July 15, 2012, 12:55:13 am »

Now that we have all had a couple of weeks to enjoy the new old tc I think it's time to make a summary about the pros and cons and about what still could need fixing.

First off, thank you devs for finally getting this game back on track again.

-The removal of the TC zone
Being able to use the complete map has lead to a faster and more dynamic gameplay as you are now able to actually relocate instead of either sticking to one or two positions or risking losing the timer
-The removal of militia
It autofixed the beloved adding-mercs-during-timer abuse and there's no need to waste ammo and time on killing useless npc's anymore. Militia also worked as a deterrent for possible attackers when it was too stacked which means less pvp action.
-The removal of silent death-grenades
It just was too OP and too retarded. Didn't fit into the balance at all. Especially in conjunction with fast/multi log

This subject is rather complex. On one hand people might call it strategy to use cirtbuilds only. On the other hand a competetive game such as fonline tc should be about skill, not about (rl-)luck. After a month of trying out different builds, the community finally seems to have a settled for certain types of builds. This directly affects:
Snipers were fun during the start of the season as everyone had 1lk builds, but now that most people have settled for ~5lk builds and the snipers have been nerfed yet again through buffing the helmets. Snipers are completely useless in redding, broken hills and reno in the sense, that a critburster at its place would do a better job.
Also, the roles of snipers and bg's were practically reversed in comparison to last season. Instead of KO headshots, bg instakills are the cause of most deaths. Sniper's damage can easily be counterhealed, cripples seem to have been reduced and KO's are nonexistent. The gap in range also was shortened from 15 to 10 hex due to gatling laser.
-The sneaking system
This might be just a personal opinion but I doubt that everyone is enjoying the inflation of 80hp sneakers. Even with 12PE it's virtually impossible to clear an area of sneaks and together with fast/duallogs, the enemy will always have eyes on you while last season, having your team's sneaker killed was huge disadvantage and often lead to teams aborting the action.
Since sneaks are so OP now, they are also frequently used for trolling. Last season's sneaking system had a perfect balance and actually required skill, a decent build and the need to survive, all of which is redundant now.

Alright, that's it from me. Let's hear everyone else's opinion and look at this as an open letter to the devs.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 12:57:11 am by John Porno »


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Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 01:18:12 am »

I also aprove the removal of tc zones, they allow more variety in strategy. Camping inside buildings should be impossible however.

Not having to fight militia is a goddamn blessing.

But in the end nobody fights for the town but victories over enemy gang. The rewards from tc locker are nothing compared to material losses received in combat.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 01:22:34 am »

Sneakers are good and needed in TC - as long as they cannot seriously hurt nobody. And now - they surely can, because there is a swarm of them and because they got autocrit crippling all the time. What's especially irritating in Reno when usually crippled = death in no time.
For the rest, I've got no opinion.

The only really bad thing in TC is that you can finish it without having a player in town. That's sickest idea ever.


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Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 01:26:39 am »

The only really bad thing in TC is that you can finish it without having a player in town. That's sickest idea ever.

It's a bug.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 01:33:23 am »

A bug that will last for whole era, I guess. It's really easy to fix - why it wasn't fixed yet?
Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2012, 02:25:52 am »

-The sneaking system
This might be just a personal opinion but I doubt that everyone is enjoying the inflation of 80hp sneakers. Even with 12PE it's virtually impossible to clear an area of sneaks and together with fast/duallogs, the enemy will always have eyes on you while last season, having your team's sneaker killed was huge disadvantage and often lead to teams aborting the action.
Since sneaks are so OP now, they are also frequently used for trolling. Last season's sneaking system had a perfect balance and actually required skill, a decent build and the need to survive, all of which is redundant now.

Crit-bursters, snipers, acknowledged problems.

I told Solar when CBT was still running, that sneakers didn't require such significiant buffs, did he listen? Yes he did, was something done about it? No. Can't blame him though, he had his own plans with some hope that they will work, well they don't.

To nerf sneak: insert random developer that has access to 2238 files, find and apply these changes in server/scripts/config.fos that will set sneak completely to last session. (well not exactly, perks are cool, some game mechanics that were changed are quite good too, sneak penalties for directions are too low, as well no weight penalty) Outdated wiki information about last sessions sneak.
Code: [Select]
// __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_DIR;
    __LookSneakDir0 =135; // sneak reduction for front direction.           
    __LookSneakDir1 = 95;                   
    __LookSneakDir2 = 55;                 
    __LookSneakDir3 = 15;                   
    __LookSneakDir4 = 15;                   
    __LookWeight = 1000; // (-1% sneak for each KG)

Code: [Select]
// __LookChecks |= LOOK_CHECK_SNEAK_DIR;
    __LookSneakDir0 = 72;                   
    __LookSneakDir1 = 36;                   
    __LookSneakDir2 = 12;                 
    __LookSneakDir3 =  0;                   
    __LookSneakDir4 =  0;                   
    __LookChecks |= 0;
    __LookWeight = 0;
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 02:36:46 am by T-888 »
Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2012, 02:27:27 am »


I agree with everything and I'm glad that TC is back  :)
Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2012, 03:36:14 am »

Sneakers are good and needed in TC - as long as they cannot seriously hurt nobody. And now - they surely can, because there is a swarm of them and because they got autocrit crippling all the time. What's especially irritating in Reno when usually crippled = death in no time.
For the rest, I've got no opinion.
what I loved about sneakers last season is that you basically needed a team of a sniper and a bg to kill a sneak, while the sneak could easily avoid a lone burster or kill a lone sniper if he can sneak up to him from behind.
As t888 pointed out, the sneak skill itself is too strong. Last season, A sneak was detected at 25-30 hex while his own effective range was only 20-25hex, perfect balance in my opinion


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Re: New Old Tc Summary
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2012, 04:23:56 am »

A bug that will last for whole era, I guess. It's really easy to fix - why it wasn't fixed yet?

Kinda fixed already :

Now let's just hope they don't take 6 month to update ;D
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