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Author Topic: Idea for Barter.  (Read 5402 times)


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Idea for Barter.
« on: March 14, 2010, 03:33:37 pm »

Player decides to use his barter skill to hear/learn what's cheap in his current location, and where he could sell the bought goods with profit.
- Skill success
- Player get's a message that fresh fruits here(NCR) can be bought  for xx caps each AND then sold in there(Vault City) with xx caps profit PER.

More barter/speech = you get more info about more items that can be resell with profit in other towns.

PS. btw Fresh Fruits is just a suggestion, it could be any item- also only the person who used the "skill" to learn about current prices should be able to buy for cheaper and sell misc stuff for more than others.
Oh and most likely the trades should be made via talking with merchants rather than trading since merchants usually have no caps to pay for goods. However if via text- it would add some money circulation

It's like a mini quest- buy here, transport safetly, sell there, earn money for your efford. What you think?

« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 03:37:20 pm by Drakonis »
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 08:06:11 pm »

Basically there was no economy (price/demand behavior) in the original FO also no significant improvement in FOnline 2238
I would love to see that coming because it is wasteland, items are scarce, traveling is dangerous, so trading would be profitable and also risky


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Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 08:48:51 pm »

- I would like to buy some tanned brahmin hides.

- Sure thing for you only 150 caps each. I have 24 tanned hides(depends on barter too)

- Not gonna happen. I know they aren't worth a cap over 105 per in this hellhole.(barter skill)

- Allright fine. How many you need?

*enter ammount*

Goods escort

- I wish to trade. Little bird told me that this town has Tanned Brahmin Hides Shortage. I brought you some hides.

- Ah good. I can give you 150 caps per.

- 185 per and you got yourself a deal(barter skill dependant)

- Sounds good. How many you got?

*Enter ammount*

Also the numbers and quantity could be modified so traders will need a caravan or car trunk to transport the heavy stuff in bigger bulk in order to make some good money.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 08:57:06 pm by Drakonis »
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 10:05:40 pm »

It would be much fun with economy system making trading profitable, but I think it is really difficult thing to do, and to make it work properly. The first problem is that, where the hell from will NPC traders get money for that kind of activity. It will make NPC traders loose all their money (however, they nearlly don't any just now).
To make it work properly it would be needed some quite new economy system.
Another problem is, that it would change gangs in trade companies. And propably small part of market will be left for non-gang traders. However, maybe there is some way to make it less accesable for gangs. But maybe there is nothing wrong, in it, that gangsta's will become clerks :P
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 10:09:04 pm by God of Thunder »
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
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God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem


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Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 11:03:24 pm »

traders could ALWAYS have some caps for trading operations(because its trade by text).
Tradable goods could be usefull for crafting or some other stuff. :P

Reselling the goods requires time and efford, same as any other profitable action like gathering/crafting/farming, so i think it could be another stabile for if money income just like other actions, but i still think that ammount of such "occasions" should be limited by the server. Due to high caps profit ofcourse- however we need to remmeber that to find a town where you can buy stuff cheaply- you need to walk around few towns and try to use your barter and speech to get some knowledge about the prices from local vendors.

and and since it would be a pure caps income(bigger than shoveling sht i guess) they might think about adding few money skins maybe. How about high level crafting components purchaseable only for caps from time to time?(plasma transformer, megapowerfist mechanism etc)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 11:09:37 pm by Drakonis »
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 11:59:50 pm »

I would add:

* Item Auction system (possible place - town bank  runners or specially designated terminals )
The  price   could be determined by character barter value and / or (both)  INT/CH value.

*Sorted barter menu  in dialog options (NPC traders)
The barter offer should be divided by sections (Ammo, armors, Small guns, Big guns,... )

* Extendend slave options
Slave can be hired for reasonable amount of money  as workers in  the Gang Hideout (collecting Fruit/Fiber)
However  maximum labor slaves  number thus their productivity should be strictly limited.
After some time peroid  (for example - 1 month ) the slave worker vanish.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 12:05:19 am by nagzuku »
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2010, 12:13:19 pm »

traders could ALWAYS have some caps for trading operations(because its trade by text).
Tradable goods could be usefull for crafting or some other stuff. :P

But it will still bring new money to the system in big amounts, as I can remember there was problem with that before last wipe. After month nobady will sell anything for money, couse it would be worthless, easy to get, and hard to resell. And trading players will buy everything from the NPC traders. While earning let say 1000 caps per one trip, people with high outdoorman and barter will bring thousands of caps and soon traders will only have in their inv caps, that nobody want to buy.
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem


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Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2010, 05:37:36 pm »

But it will still bring new money to the system in big amounts, as I can remember there was problem with that before last wipe. After month nobady will sell anything for money, couse it would be worthless, easy to get, and hard to resell. And trading players will buy everything from the NPC traders. While earning let say 1000 caps per one trip, people with high outdoorman and barter will bring thousands of caps and soon traders will only have in their inv caps, that nobody want to buy.

"...but i still think that ammount of such "occasions" should be limited by the server..."
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2010, 07:29:50 pm »

I would add:

* Item Auction system (possible place - town bank  runners or specially designated terminals )
The  price   could be determined by character barter value and / or (both)  INT/CH value.

*Sorted barter menu  in dialog options (NPC traders)
The barter offer should be divided by sections (Ammo, armors, Small guns, Big guns,... )

* Extendend slave options
Slave can be hired for reasonable amount of money  as workers in  the Gang Hideout (collecting Fruit/Fiber)
However  maximum labor slaves  number thus their productivity should be strictly limited.
After some time peroid  (for example - 1 month ) the slave worker vanish.

I completely agree.....those are all great ideas!!


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Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 08:00:00 pm »

Well auction is really good thing especially for materials. That could be hell of an improvement...
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2010, 04:38:39 pm »

I like the idea, it would be nice when barter skill will allow to get buisnes informations and trade between cities, like in good pirateslike games (specialy Unchearted Waters 2, anybody played this brilliant game?). But only way to make it not destoring economy system is making it profitable for cities also. However it is really hard to perform.

The only idea I have is make crafting require special parts, like some "rare alloys", "turbo-magneto-something-shit" or uraniumlike ores. let say that Hub and Modoc produce food that you can sell in Broken hills and Redding (according to number of food they store), where they produce Uranium (according to amount of food they have in stock, they sell it for low or high price, and when somebody buy uranium there, food in their stock decrease). Redding can produce some other ore, don’t know, maybe platinum or titanium with the same mechanics. Then you can trade this, let say titanium, to San Francisco, where some NPC buys it and sells rare alloys that are needed to every top weapon and armor - 1 for metal armor mk. II, 1 for laser rifle, 1 for minigun, 2 for CA, 1 for CA mk II, 2 for BA, 2 for plasma, 1 for sniper rifle and maybe for 5mm ammo, 7.62 and 0.223 ammo. From titanium or other ore, SF can also produce some "turbo-magneto-something-shit" which you can sell in Hub, NCR and Vault City, for money they get from food and other city activities. If you could buy implants, about which I wrote in other post, you can sell this shit in NCR and Vault City for money they get from implants selling. Maybe Hub and Modoc can buy brahmins while Broken Hills and Redding slave that also are needed to produce food and ores? It also can be possible to buy regular ores in Redding and Broken Hills or even alloys and metal parts, that they produce form slaves?
Maybe this trading system can be combined somehow with caravans. Players can go for themselves with goods, or with caravan, that city organizes, when they have really big amount of stored goods.
This way crafters, gangs and PvP players by buying resources (and eventually buying implants) will provide money for trading system, that other players can work in.
However, the BH and Redding, would be rather dangerous stops in traders trips...

Then with barter skill you will get better prices and info about current prices in other cities (with chance of success with cooldown or accuracy depending on barter skill). The prices will depend on amount of resources, that city buys in stock, and those resources will disapear in number according to quantity of bought goods, when someone buys them. So, you sell food to BH, and Uranium price decreases, while when you buy uranium, the food number in their stock decrease, so the uranium and food prices go high. However food should be particulary cheap to make it profitable for players.
With inflation system, about which I wrote in other post, cities will have another source of money.
Damn, quite new economy system! :P

What you think?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 06:56:45 pm by God of Thunder »
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2010, 03:49:54 am »

i was just about to make a new post talking about this lol ... im giving my thumbs up for an auction system but in a town... IE. The Hub has an auction house where players come to sell their crap, or hire a personal vendor ala ultima online. or something like that.. we definately need a market in the middle of the wastes that acts like neutral ground for all factions (highly guarded from pkers so safe trades but with the occasional thief)
flowing economy would work too but prob require another reset lol but adding a huge use to the barter skill like the ideas mentioned would be sweet

eighter way im just looking for an auction system and a public market where players can sell their gear instead of yelling outloud in ncr or using the forum to try to schedual meeting times, you place the item on sale for 200 caps (or maybe for 200$ worth of trade goods being able to specify what you aren't looking for such as 200$ worh of wood or flint) and come back in a day or two to pick up those caps.

btw uncharted waters 2 was one of the best snes games but the idea of buying certain town goods and selling them to other towns seems like it mite create some useless items... im not too sure but your post sounds kind of complicated... thats just my opinion tho and im drunk
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Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2010, 05:03:52 am »

Nice idea drakonis, and i dont see the trouble with gangs because keep in mind that during times of peace even the Templar Knights used to act as bankers and merchants.They even hade trade routes and ships for transporting goods and they also acted as money lenders.
Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2010, 06:18:05 am »

Sounds like Mount&Blade,and i like this system!


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Re: Idea for Barter.
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2010, 12:21:24 pm »

Every idea about trade is good, it cant be as bad as it is now xD. Bumping
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