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Author Topic: Item Repair.  (Read 2373 times)

Item Repair.
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:47:01 pm »

The repair system for items right now, IMHO seems a bit lopsided and broken.  The fact that you either need to make a brand new item to repair a broken one, or have a spare to use for repair, and then you will still eventually need to make another new item unless whatever it is grows on trees, feels a little off.  I know you can science the broken items but even then you don't hardly end up with much even with higher skills.

One possible fix would be to revert to the old repair style, I'm not sure how much work that would take and if the item system was completely revamped for the new repairs, that wouldn't be fair to ask of the Dev's.  Also if it caused the loss of all current items in game to achieve said suggestion, that would not be fair to the players.  Even though the old system was easier it still had requirements, I know that even with over a 200% repair things didn't always go right, so it was viable.

Another option would be to allow for items to be repaired by lesser materials, like metal parts, alloys, or junk for weapons, and hides, fibers, metals/alloys for armors.  This way you can repair items without having to make a whole new one, but still need more work than just slappin the old S key and hitting repair.

Another possibility you could mix the two; I like the way that items you get from encounters show some wear, more so then just being near broken in previous seasons, but actually being weaker versions based on use.  You could keep the lower Max durability but allow for old school (S+repair) to work on them, that way they would not be as good as made items, but they also wouldn't require having another just to fix it.  In previous seasons items kept a tab on how many times they were broken, with this suggested fix, you could make it so every time an item is broken it loses more Max durability, maybe even making consecutive breaks drop it by larger amounts as the item 'falls apart'.

If the old way can't come back, I'm sure there are ways to make the new one better.

I would love to hear if anyone has other ideas or possible fixes they've been thinking of for the system. 
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 05:40:19 pm »

Another option would be to allow for items to be repaired by lesser materials, like metal parts, alloys, or junk for weapons, and hides, fibers, metals/alloys for armors.  This way you can repair items without having to make a whole new one, but still need more work than just slappin the old S key and hitting repair.

I like this one. Maybe allow 1 lesser part to apply its baseprice towards the baseprice of the item which is being repaired?

For example, flamer has a base price of 550 caps, its 50% deteriorated, so its base price is really 275. You use an alloy (gonna make up a base price since it doesnt have any listed) which has a base price of 100 to fix flamer to 375, and at 68% condition.

Not sure how to handle the 100/100 thingy, but a well maintained weapon could stay 100/100 for a while.
You should also only be able to use items which actually are used in the crafting of the weapon.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 05:46:25 pm by Spotty »
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 06:10:27 pm »

I'd like low Repair characters to be able to fix their gear a little. For example, you need 300 repair (200 + Super Tool Kit) to get an item back to 100%, but with lower skill you can repair it to lower values.
Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 06:21:48 pm »

Armours, there will be a change to how they work, up to 50% they will work as normal - then once under 50% they will still work with full stats, but there will start to be a chance to suffer a bypass. 1% chance at 49% considition and 49% chance at 1% condition. This should make it less important to have perfect health armours.
Another option would be to allow for items to be repaired by lesser materials, like metal parts, alloys, or junk for weapons, and hides, fibers, metals/alloys for armors.

Combine this. Of course everything else stays the same, upon repairing an item maximum det decreases and the possibility to fix with same items not only by raw materials, once the armor goes below 50% player will be able to either use it with a disadvantage or use the item for further repairs, once beyond repair, science.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 06:28:36 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2012, 06:23:44 pm »

Another option would be to allow for items to be repaired by lesser materials, like metal parts, alloys, or junk for weapons, and hides, fibers, metals/alloys for armors.

I like that idea...
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 06:39:30 pm »

You already "can" repair items with lesser mats: it's called a tool, which is craftable. I wouldn't mind if repairing worked like last session without cooldown and consumed tools. Also repairing items directly on ground should be allowed so that we don't have to pick them up and drop them again.
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 09:04:25 pm »

I heard this kind of repair is in NV "Fallout" so that's probably why it's here.
In reality, it'd make more sense to use only raw material, which you can optionally receive via science, if you chose to repair item with similar one.
Of course it'd take more items so it could make better sense. Eg. 10mm pistol, crafted from 4 metal parts from the workbench. When scienced, gives "pistol parts", and can be repaired from both metal parts on workbench, or with lesser success with pistol parts. Multiple pistol parts could then be used to recover metal parts via workbench.
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 03:56:09 am »

I don't know how Avv you were able to repair using only a tool.  Whenever I use the repair option it always opens my inventory and requires having the same item, even if I click the tool.  (could be a glitch) 

Yeah the repair system is sort of a copy of the way they did stuff in Fo3, and NV, only problem is in those games items were quite common, and for the uncommon ones there were people who could repair them not using spare parts, (for a fee of course) to keep them running, maybe not at 100% but still usable.
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2012, 12:59:40 pm »

New Crafting cooldown has added to the trouble with the Repair system.  I know it wasn't intended but it's there.  Hopefully the devs will consider a modification to the current system in one form or another.
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2012, 08:53:38 pm »

Yeah the repair system is sort of a copy of the way they did stuff in Fo3, and NV, only problem is in those games items were quite common, and for the uncommon ones there were people who could repair them not using spare parts, (for a fee of course) to keep them running, maybe not at 100% but still usable.

I see this being a feature that could be implemented in FOnline as well. A few NPC's that could repair the item in slot 1 for a fee could be very helpful.

We already have a similar feature with doctors curing Radiation. Doing the same with armor/weapons wouldn't break the game for players.
Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2012, 01:09:25 am »

Only thing keeping new vegas repair system from being a total failure like f3 was weapon repair kits.
Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2012, 02:19:51 am »

Yeah NPC's with Repair to a point for a fee isn't a bad idea.  I think that in combination with some of the other suggestions would make a good fix.
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2012, 11:16:48 am »

Current repair system works in my opinion quite well. Better then some old system I remember where I was not sure if I'm going to repair item or break it even more. Adding npc repairers and lesser materials for repair uses could make it almost flawless.
Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2012, 11:54:10 am »

The old system worked very well, you just required a high skill to do it, and you still do in the new system, they just added a ton of new restrictions that make if beyond difficult.  You think about if you every got one of the rare items it is literally useless because even if you got lucky enough to use in a few times you can't every repair it unless you are truly blessed and got the exact same item.  I really hate how much of the game is get your items just to not use them, and right now it is even more that way.  Hopefully more will see that.
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Re: Item Repair.
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2012, 12:17:57 pm »

Thats true but now you can repair your stuff even you have low repair skill although its ineffective. And repairer + repair materials fix would solve problem with rare items.
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