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Author Topic: FN FAL HPFA firing whole clip in one burst  (Read 5561 times)


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Re: FN FAL HPFA firing whole clip in one burst
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2012, 02:57:11 am »

Being at such a range the animation is too slow to complete in time for me to resume any other action and in most cases the guy with the minigun catches me in 1hex range while i'm completing the animation( that's where latency really comes into play).

You're right. Even 5 hex might be too little. I don't know how improved flamers do in hinkley but never heard they dominate.

If everything goes right, p90 should be doing about 150 dmg shots from its range. Bg would do less, unless it did onehex.

and if you want to make p90 dominant in close combat, then it's simple, decrease minimal/maximal damage in conjuction with increasing bullets shot per burst and magazine size, so it scales better with BRD.

This is true too, but I believe it might make things interesting to add guns some other qualities than damage and range. Otherwise it'd end up being just sg version of minigun.

Shotgun and knocking down is a must in some way.

Preferrably so that you can't kd faster than enemy can get up, like heavy handed can. Berhaps only burst should kd.
But it still does crappy damage.

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Re: FN FAL HPFA firing whole clip in one burst
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2012, 03:06:05 am »

Pancor made good dmg in good range when i played F2, now it isnt cheap weapon and it do crappy dmg, it should be fixed.
Same problem with FN HPFA FAL rifile. Assult Rifle  is ok but others burst mode rifles need some changes,

To feed the trolls Devs could add LE BB gun rifle :D
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Re: FN FAL HPFA firing whole clip in one burst
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2012, 12:12:36 pm »

This is true too, but I believe it might make things interesting to add guns some other qualities than damage and range. Otherwise it'd end up being just sg version of minigun.

SG version of minigun, yes, but what's so bad about that? Less range, less damage on range, though has the advantage in close quarters with higher DPS, lower requirements, less shots per magazine than minigun, less ap needed to shoot, both would need BRD to work effectively and in the end SG has a great weapon to use, p90, ordinary minigun has it's place, so i don't see what's the problem.

Improved flamer is not available, what Solar did now was just stupid as always. He introduces new pyromaniac perk, that is useless without improved flamer witch he made almost unavailable, as well flamers in general need a range boost of few hexes.

Shit, changing shots per magazine, damage etc. etc. in server files is like the easiest thing you can do, and nothing is done, Solar rather buff some avenger minigun, lazer rifle well used weapons already, instead of trying to do something with SG/Unused weapons.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 12:17:27 pm by T-888 »
Re: FN FAL HPFA firing whole clip in one burst
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2012, 10:06:08 am »

SG could use some boost FN FAL HPFA should definitely be a weapon that would drop an opponent. Also the shotguns need some boosting too best would be having more types of ammo for them and a little range boost.

Improved flamer is not available, what Solar did now was just stupid as always. He introduces new pyromaniac perk, that is useless without improved flamer witch he made almost unavailable, as well flamers in general need a range boost of few hexes.
Normal flamer ain't so bad with 2 pyromaniac although in pvp its not so good improved is better but not the best. Armors should have less resistance against fire and maybe introducing a state similar to poisoned (burned state) that lowers hp constantly would make flamers a reasonable choice even without range boost.

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