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Critical bursts.

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I've got tank bg this era. It literally sucks. The difference in damage received is usually no more than 50hp and the difference in damage made is much bigger - if critburster can hit ~200 I can do 100-120 from same distance.


--- Quote from: T-888 on July 08, 2012, 12:36:35 am ---I'm surprised you still don't get it. I don't take in account none display of pride how experienced and much time has been spent on playing fonline, it doesn't mean anything for me. That doesn't determine anything, blank page for me. Seasons come and go, critical tables have been altered numerous times, experienced or not, saying such things like "i feel like there's no difference", " i've been playing longer than you" well you know what i say? I say it's in your head and that's just utter bullshit until accountable, reliable information is provided, besides you don't look like any information cabinet for me. Get it?

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Why would anyone want to provide you with information? We aren't here to level up your game - actually, I firmly believe most people reading this who are competent enough to talk about this matter are going to have a good laugh about the loudest mouth in the forums having the crappiest builds in the game.

--- Quote from: T-888 on July 08, 2012, 12:36:35 am ---Heh, so you are playing without BC because on how Manero feels like? I see, now this is where it get's fun. Now your trying to convince me how unimportant is to shoot first twice, to have a lot of AP and have a better firing rate, with an avenger minigun that deals considerably good amount of damage without critical hits? Are you mad? Talking about bad builds ...

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No, I'm playing without BC because it's better to play without BC because I know what the critical hit table looks like for the weapons I use. I've never, ever had a case of the dude I bursted surviving it, but I'm glad you'd rather waste a perk, makes it even easier for me to blast your ass.

--- Quote from: T-888 on July 08, 2012, 12:36:35 am ---I'm reading this and i'm quite lost man, you don't get it right? With more action points you shoot more in less time, in team fights that's mighty damn important if you didn't know, did you? I have a good feeling your playing with 11 AP critical LSW build(have 1 less str than my "theory build", 4 less agility, lifegiver instead of BC, pump to 10 luck, can have 1 less int that gives an optional special that most probably either stays in int for more skill points or goes into perception, unless you take bonehead without small frame, oh yeah more ranged damage to AB - http://clip2net.com/s/26d3P , basically need bypasses to do something ) am i right? :) Shit from what you wrote it seemed that you didn't know that avenger builds are even possible, that they are actually quite popular and strong. My advice, play the game more. Might be you learn something, Manero can feel bad sometimes.

Sounds like a new player indeed.

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Jesus christ, this session I've had a 5LK build when you had a 1LK build, then I switched to 10LK while you were still rolling on 1LK, had a great laugh seeing how easier it was to kill you and your 1LK pals, stopped playing for about a month due to shit TC and lack of players on the server - and what do my eyes see upon return? You're suddenly a high-class specialist on critical burst builds, incidentally about the time when everyone started whining about them. That makes you credible as hell, kid - especially since you obviously can't do the math with AP vs damage dealt and still post shitty builds, kid. Oh, and the fact that Avenger builds are popular doesn't even mean they're all strong, kid - in fact a good Avenger build is very niche and most players don't even have the skill to run them right (because they're first line glass cannons) - especially kids like you, kid.

Im runing out of popcorn...

My solution: Remove or nerf "Spray and You dont have to Pray" perk.

John Porno:
The margin of error in fonline is really big, especially when it comes to crit based builds. I can understand toughness vs lifegiver arguments and I always happilly join these, but at the end of the day you will never be able to tell if you just won because of ingame-luck or rl-luck.

people have their own build philosphies, just like I rolled with 2st bg's throughout all of last season. Also, this argument is exceptionally pathetic as the devs didnt even publish any details on anything crit related and the whole thing is just a bunch of unknown variables.

bttom line crit is bad mkay

they wont nerf crit bg's. and even if they do.. i had half year of fun while you were whining half year about crit bg's instead of making one and destroy other players with op hits


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