Dead Master's Crew is a faction, not an alliance. Our numbers are naturally fewer than NA
But this is your problem, because you choose the pure PK of playing. We did not, because of this, many faction wants to join us or already joined because we are not one who killd every bluesuit in the wasteland. You can think something else, but proof of this is existence of NA with so many factions and players.
This includes trading to get the money for mutants (which cost 32+K now, not some 15-20)
I dont have any proof, but you used this mercs in time, when they cost 80k.. So i
think your team was exploiting the caravan bug and you have a lot of money from this source, not only from trading or city capturing. What is the price for the lowest mutant? Dont think it is 32k+
, training our members (some of us visit you often in your nightmares, don't they?
) and developing better tactical solutions for every city.
Ok, you trained your supermutant jockey char. But when he is killed, he is fastreloging to another char, classic combat or to other supermutant jockey char. Dont try to tell me, that it is not truth. Everyone do it, i have many pics of players killed and after few seconds they are logging off.
So your tactic is buy supermutant. One supermutant has how many HP? 400 = 3 snipers HP or 2 BG tank HP, one has firepower of one rocket launcher biggunner, so you buy 5 of them by cheap money (from all kind of sources), you have firepower of 5 tanks with much more HP per one.
I am proud of my faction for today's deeds
You are proud of what? Everyone can buy cheap supermutants, equipm them with rockets and use them in fight, relog after death and use the same tactic or regular PvP char. Your proud is a joke for us. We can do exactly the same, with bigger numbers. But we want to fight real players, not NPCs..
We are proud that we can unite so many REAL players.. It is hard, we have problems too with this organization, but we can be proud for this. I repeat, not proud for buying mutants and send them to death.
; and I can't stand an opportunity to muttiply our ranks: read our recruitment thread and PM me today for your trial period =)
All newbies welcomed... but dont forget to bring supermutants with you, or you are useless to our tactics. Hehe..
However, back to topic. No change is needed, because after wipe Town Control will work in a different way, thus making it impossible for one faction/alliance to control all towns at once.
You are off topic now, because i did not taledk about city capturing.. But about overpowered and supercheap supermutants which you can buy now with no restriction.
1) they are expensive and Broken Hills is not a safe place to bring 150K caps with you
No, they are not. The proof is, that you had 20+ in Den only. You lost many of them in today, yesterdays, .... fights. Cheap? NO.
2) they are hard to control - slow, break when ammo is over, attacking other mercs, not following orders (a bunch of problems at once), friendly fire
You see enemy, give order to shoot and 5 rockets from your 5 supermutants are on the way.. This is artilery battery. Ok then, GM, give us vertbird bombers then..
3) they are hard to transport - those forced 5% of an encounter often ruin them or just make them waste a load of ammo.
If it will be harder to transport them, there will be not 20+ mutants in one city at one time.
4) they are absolutely useless when their driver is dead
But is it not easy to kill him. Sometimes he is in the middle of supermutants, when he spawned in the city and sniper has absolutely no chance to click on smutans jockey pixels...
5) they are easily sniped for 50 hex distance, breaking their arms makes them even more useless.
Yes, but as i said, they shoot 5 rockets on me from 10 hexes less lenght..
So look at reaction of other players, even if they are from VSB or NA enemy gangs, they think that this is not balanced now. And PvP is about real players, not supermutants or NPCs..